- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~cyphermox/console-setup/merge-1.141
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 476. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* Merge from Debian unstable; remaining changes:
- Don't gzip font or ACM files in /etc/console-setup/. The space saving
is negligible, and it's more efficient not to need to uncompress them
at boot time.
- Include pc105.tree for ubiquity.
- Set keymap and font in the initramfs if possible and sensible.
- Add an apport hook.
- Depend on kbd (>= 1.15-1ubuntu3) for a valuable loadkeys improvement.
- Include support for translated keyboard names.
- Depend on debconf instead of pre-depending, because pre-depends have
no effect on config scripts.
- debian/vtrgb, debian/vtrgb.vga,
debian/console- setup-linux. setvtrgb. upstart, debian/rules,
debian/console- setup-linux. postinst: use Ubuntu's virtual terminal color
scheme by default, with a VGA color scheme available as an alternative.
- Make setupcon explicitly exit 0, so that postinsts don't fail in the
event that loadkeys can't find a console.
- Generate a locale locally for translating keyboard names in
- Don't copy keyboard-configuration questions to /target in OEM mode.
oem-config will ask them later, and copying these confuses it.
- Change the default font from Fixed to VGA for Lat15; while it's not
entirely complete, it looks better and is largely good enough.
- If the detect-keyboard debconf plugin is available
(cdebconf-newt-detect- keys in the installer), then offer to use it to
detect the keyboard layout.
- Fix default keyboard selection for language/country combinations
lacking a proper combined locale.
- Drop the layout/variant priority to high on fresh installs.
- Set default for Dutch to us(intl), not just us.
- Set default layout for Vietnam to 'us'.
- Set default variant for French to oss.
- Set default layout for Simplified Chinese to 'cn'.
- Don't use the default keyboard variant if the layout is overridden by
- If keyboard-configuration/ layoutcode is preseeded but not marked as
seen, then set the default layout but don't lower the layout question
priority or preseed console-setup/ask_ detect.
- Use the default keyboard model if an existing configuration file sets
- Go back to always asking layout before variant.
- Fix keyboard layout detection to set the layout properly.
- Reset keyboard-configuration/ toggle to the default if it's set to "No
toggling" and you select a non-Latin layout.
- Automatically save the font and keymap to /etc in
/etc/init.d/ console- setup if it isn't being run from init. Similarly,
ensure that the font and keymap are saved to /etc during initial
- Load the new keyboard configuration immediately when running
'dpkg-reconfigure keyboard- configuration' in an installed system.
- Don't fail to configure keyboard-configuration if setxkbmap fails to
talk to the X display.
- Tolerate absence of setupcon in keyboard-configuration. postinst.
- Drop the simplified keyboard-configuration/ xkb-keymap question.
- Fix command injection in ckbcomp.
- debian/console- setup.console- font.upstart: Add Upstart job that sets up
console font when plymouth-splash is starting.
- Override description of the ch layout from "German (Switzerland)" to
just "Switzerland".
- Map ppc64el/* to XKBMODEL=pc105.
- setupcon: Map XKBMODEL=SKIP to '' for compatibility with existing
- debian/rules: revert hard-coding of a list of "debconf-selectable"
layouts for the udebs, since we don't use this debconf question in Ubuntu
and all layouts are selectable.
- setupcon: revert ridiculous upstream twiddling of keymap cache filenames:
- the variables are taken from a config file which, if changed,
invalidates the cache.
- there is only ever one keyboard map per system.
- the system should not have to resolve filenames to find the keymap cache
on boot.
- Move vtrgb handling to console-setup-linux package, since this is clearly
- Add missing console-setup-linux. prerm to remove /etc/vtrgb alternatives
- Keyboard/kbdcompiler: fix bug in filtering of unsupported variants that
breaks generation of the pc105.tree for d-i keyboard detection.
- debian/keyboard- configuration. postinst: udpkg is not part of an installed
Debian system; don't fail to configure if it's absent and the script is
called outside of an installer context.
- Don't make debian/copyright a symlink to COPYRIGHT, this is disallowed
by the Ubuntu archive installer.
- debian/keyboard- configuration. config: fix typo in model check for SKIP;
even when looking up the layout/variant, we need to check for the model
as XKBMODEL, since $model doesn't exist.
- debian/preprocessor: revert the removal of keyboard names (for size) of
console-setup-udeb: we do need those, since we don't use the simplified
xkb-keymap template from Debian just yet: this way we can still show
country/language names when selecting a keyboard, layout or variant.
- Properly handle settings CODESET and FONSIZE when they equals 'guess' or
are unset.
- keyboard_present. sh: Quiet config/postinst when we have no USB devices.
- debian/keyboard- configuration. config: run grep with -a (to deal with files
as ASCII data) when searching for keyboard, locale, and layout names.
- Add ConditionPathExists=/dev/ tty0 to the console- setup.service, to
avoid running the unit on platforms without virtual consoles
- debian/rules: Drop obsolete and no-op dh_installinit --upstart-only
- Add debian/keyboard- configuration. links to (statically) enable
console-setup.service. It is not being pulled in by plymouth any more, and
doing so was brittle and unexpected.
- console-setup.service: Set RemainAfterExit.
- If the locale is C during configuration, only set CHARMAP to ISO-8859-15
on kFreeBSD; otherwise restore the previous behaviour from before the
kFreeBSD port of using UTF-8 in that case.
- debian/control: allow dracut to be installable by adding an alternate
depends on linux-initramfs-tool for console-setup.
- Reinstate checking for XKBLAYOUT being in the config file: this handles
the cases where installs done with ubiquity don't have their debconf seen
flag set for model/layout questions. If layout is already configure, lower
the corresponding question's priority to medium so we don't ask it again.
- Add systemd unit for console-setup. That avoids waiting for $remote_fs
during early boot. (Note: there is no need to enable it, it gets pulled
in through systemd-vconsole- setup.service)
- Drop console-setup-freebsd; it's useless and uninstallable given that we
don't have a freebsd port.
- Make debian/keyboard- configuration. console- setup.init do the same as the
corresponding .upstart: I. e. just call loadkeys instead of setupcon, and
don't check the current console. (Font loading is already done via udev
* Dropped changes, included in Debian:
- Stop running debconf-updatepo on clean.
- Update for new layouts and variants for Montenegro and Serbia, and
migrate configuration files from the old layouts.
* Dropped changes, no longer needed:
- Move boot tasks to a combination of two udev rules and a single
Upstart job, ensuring that they're run at points when we are able to
satisfy the constraints on the relevant ioctls.
- Replace usplash detection code with Plymouth detection code.
- Use keymapper to generate decision trees for a restricted subset of
the pc105 model.
* debian/console- setup-linux. setvtrgb. service: port our vtrgb upstart job to
a systemd unit service so we can again apply the right color scheme. - 472. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
keyboard- configuration. config: run grep with -a (to deal with files
as ASCII data) when searching for keyboard, locale, and layout names.
(LP: #1549529) - 470. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
No-change rebuild to properly generate console-
setup-udeb' s list of
valid keyboard layouts and variants. - 469. By Dimitri John Ledkov
Add ConditionPathEx
ists=/dev/ tty0 to the console- setup.service, to
avoid running the unit on platforms without virtual consoles,
e.g. s390x. LP: #1552733
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/console-setup