
Created by Sam Spilsbury and last modified
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Recent revisions

3222. By Sam Spilsbury

Delay pixmap unbinding until the next rebind and ensure that renderers can act
just before the pixmap is unbound (LP#1002616)

3221. By Sam Spilsbury

Respect DESTDIR when optionally installed files

3220. By Sam Spilsbury

Respect destdir when installing python packages

3219. By Sam Spilsbury

Remove COMPIZ_DESTDIR as it was not needed and broken

3218. By Sam Spilsbury

Install compizconfig headers correctly

3217. By Sam Spilsbury

Enables ccsm for building, fixes install, uninstall, clean rules and fixes
constant rebuilding of python bytecode

1. use add_custom_command with a small wrapper file in order to ensure that
   bytecode is regenerated only when DEPENDS files are changed (currently
2. use install (CODE) to hook the install process properly

3216. By Sam Spilsbury

Enables compizconfig-python for building, fixes always out of date build
target, clean, uninstall

1. use add_custom_command instead of add_custom_target to only regenerate
   compizconfig.c and compizconfig.so whenever compizconfig.pyx changes
2. use install (CODE) to hook the install process properly

3215. By Sam Spilsbury

Adds some environment variables to change where libcompizconfig looks for
things to be used by tests

1. Read "COMPIZ_METADATA_PATH" to find plugins
2. Read "LIBCOMPIZCONFIG_BACKEND_PATH" to find and load backends

3214. By Daniel van Vugt

Fixed: CMake would ignore COMPIZ_DISABLE_PLUGIN_* settings.

3213. By Sam Spilsbury

Enables compizconfig-gsettings for building, fixes warnings tripping up -Werror

1. Remove useless configure banner
2. Remove unused functions

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