
Created by Clint Byrum and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/libdbi-drivers/merge-upstream-release-0.8.3-1
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Clint Byrum

Recent revisions

10. By Clint Byrum

* debian/patches/remove_test_17_pgsql.patch: test fails on pgsql
  - upstream bug https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3042565&group_id=65979&atid=512945
* changing to quilt 3.0 format
* debian/control:
  - updating to debian policy 3.8.4
  - fixing lintian complaints about debhelper and misc:Depends
  - Adding build depends for mysql and postgres server (for tests)
  - Adding build depend for language-pack-en for postgres test

9. By Clint Byrum

cleaning up test-stamp

8. By Clint Byrum

fixing dependencies and removing fakeroot hack

7. By Clint Byrum

* debian/rules: run tests for sqlite, sqlite3, mysql, pgsql (LP: #614496)
* debian/patches/remove_test_17_pgsql.patch: test fails on pgsql
* changing to quilt 3.0 format

6. By Clint Byrum

New upstream release. -- Fixes ABORT problems with sqlite3+rrdtool

5. By Chuck Short

No op rebuild for libmysqlclient.

4. By Steve Langasek

* Non-maintainer upload with maintainer's approval.
* High urgency upload for RC bugfix.
* Pass --freetds-inc-dir to configure, to bypass the ridiculous upstream
  AC_FIND_FILE() checks for files that *aren't used during the build*;
  fixes a build failure with FreeTDS 0.82. Closes: #493349.

3. By David Parker

Updated build depends to point to libmysqlclient12-dev (closes: #299163)

2. By David Parker

Fixed makefiles so that distclean doesn't remove documentation.

1. By David Parker

Import upstream version 0.7.1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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