Merge lp://staging/~cjwatson/python-pgbouncer/tox into lp://staging/python-pgbouncer

Proposed by Colin Watson
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 14
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~cjwatson/python-pgbouncer/tox
Merge into: lp://staging/python-pgbouncer
Diff against target: 538 lines (+54/-373)
9 files modified
.bzrignore (+2/-7)
NEWS.txt (+6/-0)
README (+13/-20) (+0/-259)
buildout.cfg (+0/-35)
pgbouncer/ (+20/-34) (+5/-3)
tox.ini (+8/-0)
versions.cfg (+0/-15)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~cjwatson/python-pgbouncer/tox
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
William Grant (community) code Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Use postgresfixture to test against multiple PostgreSQL versions, and switch to tox.

Description of the change

Regarding postgresfixture, I sacrificed the clever inter-test resource management as part of this work. It might be possible to make it work again, but the test suite isn't all that slow, and this at least seems pretty robust.

Regarding tox, I generally can't get buildout working these days, not least because of bad interactions with pbr, and so have been progressively converting packages to tox as I touch them. This also makes it easier to set up test matrixes that test against things like multiple Python versions.

These should really be two separate MPs, but I couldn't get tox working without doing something about the PostgreSQL test setup, and I couldn't get tests running at all without switching to tox, so they ended up a bit intertwined. Hopefully this isn't too hard to follow.

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Revision history for this message
William Grant (wgrant) :
review: Approve (code)

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