
Created by Colin Watson and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~cjwatson/lazr.smtptest/py37
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Branch information

Colin Watson

Recent revisions

75. By Colin Watson

Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.

We no longer try to raise StopIteration from a generator.

74. By Colin Watson

Add support for Python 3.6.

As of 3.5 (when it became possible), we now pass the `decode_data=False`
parameter when constructing `SMTPChannel` and `SMTPServer` objects, and
handle the new `SMTPServer.process_message` signature.

73. By Barry Warsaw

* Bump copyright years.
* Bump version.
* Always use old-style namespace package registration in ``lazr/__init__.py``
  since the mere presence of this file subverts PEP 420 style namespace
  packages. (LP: #1407816)

72. By Barry Warsaw

- Disable `test_suite` in setup.py; nose doesn't work well with
  `python setup.py test` since plugins are disabled.
- Use `python setup.py nosetests` in tox.ini.

71. By Barry Warsaw

Make sure tox.ini file ends up in the sdist tarball.

70. By Barry Warsaw

Copyright bump.

69. By Barry Warsaw

- Remove the dependency on `distribute` which has been merged back into
  `setuptools`. (LP: #1273639)
- Add tox.ini for the preferred way to run the test suite.

68. By Barry Warsaw

zope.interface isn't necessary for this package.

67. By Barry Warsaw

* Make sure version.txt is included in the source tarball.
* Under Python 3, ensure that __version__ is a unicode.

66. By Barry Warsaw

Reorganization to make `python setup.py build_sphinx` work.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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