Merge lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/bootspeed-views-rework into lp://staging/qa-dashboard

Proposed by Chris Johnston
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/bootspeed-views-rework
Merge into: lp://staging/qa-dashboard
Diff against target: 1070 lines (+771/-106)
14 files modified
bootspeed/ (+121/-1)
bootspeed/ (+38/-19)
bootspeed/ (+23/-0)
bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/arch_overview.html (+64/-3)
bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/dygraphs.html (+0/-62)
bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/machine_data.html (+385/-0)
bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/machine_raw_data.html (+21/-0)
bootspeed/templates/bootspeed/nav.html (+2/-2)
bootspeed/ (+37/-1)
common/static/css/style.css (+62/-11)
common/templates/layout.html (+6/-5)
qa_dashboard/ (+1/-0)
qa_dashboard/ (+10/-2)
requirements.txt (+1/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~cjohnston/qa-dashboard/bootspeed-views-rework
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
QA Dashboard Developers Pending
Review via email:

This proposal has been superseded by a proposal from 2012-12-02.

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152. By Joe Talbott

Add support for parsing utah logs to jenkins_pull.

153. By Joe Talbott

Add bug parsing from build description for UTAH jobs.

154. By Chris Johnston

[r=Chris Johnston] Fixes tests for tarmac. from Chris Johnston

155. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Fixes broken log url's for smoke results from Chris Johnston

156. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Changes redirect for smoke to raring from Chris Johnston

157. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Adds AGPLv3 licensing info to the QA Dashboard from Chris Johnston

158. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Makes flat view the default smoke view. from Chris Johnston

159. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Adds a footer and copyright information to the bottom of the site from Chris Johnston

160. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] This branch factors out the log and bug parsing and correctly applies it whether the job is a jenkins job or a utah based job by parsing the job name. from Joe Talbott

161. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Removes www directory to avoid conflict from Chris Johnston

162. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Show weighted pass rates for builds. from Joe Talbott

163. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Link to bugs on the Build overview page. from Joe Talbott

164. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Add all zero entries for UTAH jobs without logs from Joe Talbott

165. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Update cron script for better locking and to preserve output for emailing to the mailing list. from Joe Talbott

166. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Update deployment instructions for new production branch. from Joe Talbott

167. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Don't show duplicate bugs for builds from Joe Talbott

168. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Changes smoke skip to errors and adds major highlighting on errors from Chris Johnston

169. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Defaults breadcrumbs to link to flat smoke view. from Chris Johnston

170. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Removes upgrade link from navigation from Chris Johnston

171. By Chris Johnston

[r=Joe Talbott] Changes the way error notifications happen and does style changes. from Chris Johnston

172. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Add utah-parser code into the project. from Joe Talbott

173. By Joe Talbott

utah_parser - Remove unneeded import of jsonschema.

174. By Chris Johnston

Add a 0 to the error_count column when a job is a Jenkins job.

175. By Joe Talbott

[r=Chris Johnston] Add -r and -d options, enhance speed of command. from Joe Talbott

176. By Chris Johnston


177. By Chris Johnston

Updates all api to follow new naming scheme and use agg data

178. By Chris Johnston

Change api calls

179. By Chris Johnston

Starts cleaning up code

180. By Chris Johnston

More work on the charts

181. By Chris Johnston

Remove stddev stuff for now

182. By Chris Johnston

Add image_type

183. By Chris Johnston

More last_release work

184. By Chris Johnston

adds graph

185. By Chris Johnston

more changes

186. By Chris Johnston

fix typo

187. By Chris Johnston

Fixes graph.js

188. By Chris Johnston

Fixes api call

189. By Chris Johnston

Fix all other api calls to have previous release

190. By Chris Johnston

Remove old code

Unmerged revisions

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