- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~cjcurran/gnome-control-center/make-new-panel
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 219. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* debian/
patches/ 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
- Wallpapers grid in appearance should have 4 columns (LP: #922542)
- Change the mouse wheel scrolling on slider to the opposite direction
(LP: #922299) - 218. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* 04_add_
theme_selection .patch => 04_new_ appearance_ settings. patch:
(background screen)
- rename and add unity officials option to it. Note that those
only appears if you are in an unity session. It impacts both
unity-2d and unity-3d. unity-3d settings are taken if the options
are different on first launch. All options for the settings aren't
exposed. If the user specify something else in ccsm for instance,
it will be preserved. (LP: #869080)
- also add a "restore defauts" on the background screen to reset
the user selection change to default. - 217. By Sebastien Bacher
[ Marco Trevisan (Treviño) ]
* debian/patches/ 93_change_ window_ role_on_ panel_change. patch:
- Set the gtk WM window role when changing panel, this is needed
to get the real window id and match the gcc in unity (LP: #801784)[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* debian/UbuntuLogo. png:
- updated logo for 12.04 (lp: #910356) - 216. By Sebastien Bacher
* debian/
libgnome- control- center1. symbols: restore the symbols tracking,
since we build external capplets we better check they don't break
* debian/rules: don't build shlibs for a library which stopped being
distributed in GNOME3
* debian/patches/ 94_git_ adding_ shortcuts. patch:
- let add custom shortcuts in any categorie
* debian/patches/ 95_git_ ctrlw_shortcut. patch:
- ctrl-W close capplets and go back to the overwiew (lp: #863549) - 215. By Jeremy Bícha
* Rebase on Debian, remaining Ubuntu changes:
* debian/control:
- Build-Depend on hardening-wrapper, dpkg-dev and dh-autoreconf
- Add dependency on ubuntu-system- service
- Don't depend on cheese, cups-pk-helper, libsocialweb, or mesa-utils
since they're in universe
- Depend on ubuntu-docs instead of gnome-user-guide
* debian/rules:
- Add binary-post-install rule for gnome-control-center- data
- Don't build with cheese or libsocialweb
* debian/gnome-control- center- data.install:
* debian/source/ include- binaries:
- Install UbuntuLogo.png & apport hook
* debian/gnome-control- center. dirs:
* debian/gnome-control- center. links:
- Add a link to the control center shell for indicators
* debian/patches/ 04_add_ theme_selection .patch:
- Add theme selection to User Interface panel
- Refreshed for Precise design and renamed to User Interface
* debian/patches/ 01_allow_ external_ panels. patch:
- Allow running external (non-embedded) panels (LP: #787694)
* debian/patches/ 02_no_assert_ on_null_ streams. patch:
- Temporary patch to not assert on NULL streams (LP: #741155)
* debian/patches/ 03_show_ wacom_under_ unity.patch:
- show the wacom panel under unity (lp: #840555)
* debian/patches/ 05_run_ update_ manager. patch:
- Run update-manager instead of PackageKit updater (LP: #801335)
* debian/patches/ 07_make_ window_ wider.patch
- Make the System Settings window a bit wider to reduce need for scrolling
* debian/patches/ 10_keyboard_ layout_ on_unity. patch:
- Show keyboard layout bits on Unity (LP: #834523)
* Add 11_power-configure_ lid_action. patch: Add back configuration for lid
action. (LP: #792636, GNOME#659045)
* debian/patches/ 12_add_ never_turn_ screen_ off.patch:
- Add back the "never turn screen off" option (LP: #862154)
* debian/patches/ 50_ubuntu_ systemwide_ prefs.patch:
- Add back system-wide proxy settings (LP: #795519)
* debian/patches/ 52_ubuntu_ language_ list_mods. patch:
- Change the list of options, when setting language from User
Accounts, to items representing available translations, and with
that make it similar to the language list in language-selector.
- Make items representing language @variants be displayed as such.
* debian/patches/ 53_use_ ubuntu_ help.patch: Use gnome-help when running
GNOME or GNOME Fallback (LP: #852911)
* debian/patches/ 55_user_ accounts_ hide_controls. patch:
- When not using GDM, hide certain controls in the User Accounts
panel that only apply to it. (LP: #821766, LP: #821771)
- When a user is using an ecryptfs home directory, do not allow
the user to log in without a password
* debian/patches/ 56_use_ ubuntu_ info_branding. patch:
- Use Ubuntu branding in System info panel (LP: #860497)
* debian/patches/ 57_use_ nonsymbolic_ keyboard_ icon.patch: Use the non-monochrome
icon for the Keyboard panel (LP: #862027)
* debian/patches/ 90_git_ sound_tab_ order.patch: Reorder the tabs, the sound
effect one is the less used and shouldn't be first in the list
* debian/patches/ 91_git_ build_use_ fontconfig. patch:
- git patch to fix the build of the region capplet
* debian/patches/ 92_git_ minimal_ output_ height. patch:
- set a minimal height on the output list (lp: #850032)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/gnome-control-center