
Created by CI Train Bot Account and last modified
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CI Train Bot Account
Unity Settings Daemon

Recent revisions

4181. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.1+18.04.20180413.2-0ubuntu1

4180. By CI Train Bot Account

* gsd-rr-config: rename monitor config files to unity-monitors.xml*
  (LP: #1763806)
* debian:
  - build-depends on dh-migrations and run dh_migrations on post-install
  - add debian/unity-settings-daemon.migrations to install migration files
* scripts/01-usd-migration-monitors-xml.sh:
  - Move monitors.xml to unity-monitors.xml if migration is needed
    (LP: #1763806)

4179. By Robert Ancell

Support new AccountsService method of setting background file.

The AccountsService patches never went upstream and LightDM 1.26 will use the
AccountsService plugin system that was developed after the background feature
was created.

Approved by: Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

4178. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.1+18.04.20180216-0ubuntu1

4177. By CI Train Bot Account

No-change rebuild against latest gnome-desktop3

4176. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.1+18.04.20180214.1-0ubuntu1

4175. By Robert Ancell

Remove obsolete --enable-systemd compile flag

Approved by: Michael Terry

4174. By Khurshid Alam

gtk_icon_info_free has been deprecated since gtk-3.8. Replace it with g_object_unref (LP: #1747154)

Approved by: Sebastien Bacher

4173. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.1+17.10.20171003-0ubuntu1

4172. By Marco Trevisan (Treviño)

XSettings: under unity use com.ubuntu.user-interface.desktop keys for scaling settings

Unity would override them with computed values, so we need to store them in different keys
not to interfere with any other installed gnome out there.

Also migrate changes to old keys to the new ones, if they happen when running unity.

Approved by: Andrea Azzarone

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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