
Created by Christophe Sauthier and last modified
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Christophe Sauthier

Recent revisions

16. By Christophe Sauthier

* New upstream release (LP: #434074)
  - Multiple bugs fixed
  - Translation updates

15. By Christophe Sauthier

debian/patches/02_autoconf.patch: update of the patch.

14. By Daniel Holbach

release to karmic

13. By Robert Ancell

* New upstream release (LP: #393696)
  - Translation updates

12. By Daniel Holbach

release to karmic

11. By Robert Ancell

* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining changes: (LP: #393294)
  - debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
    - launchpad integration changes
  - debian/patches/02_autoconf.patch:
    - configure update
  - debian/control.in:
  - debian/control:
    - Build python-gucharmap
    - Add LP integration
    - Bump GTK+ depends
  - debian/pycompat:
  - debian/python-gucharmap.install:
  - debian/rules:
    - Build python-gucharmap
  - debian/watch:
    - Watch for unstable versions
* Add libglib2.0-doc and libgtk2.0-doc to build-deps to ensure proper
* New upstream release.
* debian/control.in:
  - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no additional changes needed.
  - Update svn fields to unstable.
* debian/copyright:
  - Specify gucharmap/gucharmap-chartable* license is LGPL-2.
* New upstream release.

10. By seb128 <seb128@seb128-laptop>

releasing version 1:2.26.2-0ubuntu3

9. By Robert Ancell

* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining changes: (LP: #390541)
  - debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
    - launchpad integration changes
  - debian/patches/02_autoconf.patch:
    - configure update
  - debian/control.in:
  - debian/control:
    - Build python-gucharmap
    - Add LP integration
    - Bump GTK+ depends
  - debian/pycompat:
  - debian/python-gucharmap.install:
  - debian/rules:
    - Build python-gucharmap
  - debian/watch:
    - Watch for unstable versions
* New upstream release.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
  - Scrolling with the wheel now updates the scrollbar. Closes: #427387.
  - Character detail window closed too fast in some cases, now fixed.
    Closes: #368134.
  - Extended support for Unicode characters. Closes: #503397.
  - Update build-dependencies.
  - Rename libgucharmap6 package to libgucharmap7.
  - Rename libgucharmap-dev to libgucharmap2-dev, as the pkgconfig file
    has been renamed (and the /usr/include directory) and packages need
  - Update libgucharmap2-dev.install for the new include directory.
* debian/watch: Don't uupdate.
* debian/rules:
  - Don't hardcode libgucharmap's SONAME all over the place,
    extract it from debian/control instead.
  - Update the shlibs version.
* debian/control.in:
  - Add Vcs-* and Homepage fields.
  - Remove old conflicts/replaces for packages that are not shipped
    in Etch.
* debian/copyright: Add copyright holders.
* debian/gucharmap.1: Fix WHATIS entry.
* debian/gucharmap.links:
  - Make links for charmap.1 and gnome-character-map.1 to the gucharmap
* libgucharmap2-dev conflicts and replaces libgucharmap-dev.
* Remove a reference to libgucharmap6.
* Build-depend on gtk-doc-tools.
* Pass --enable-gtk-doc to configure and install the docs.
* Remove dependency on scrollkeeper. Closes: #491718.
* libgucharmap-dev depends on libgconf2-dev. Closes: #495887.
* Wrap build-deps and deps.
* Add ${misc:Depends}; fixes missing gconf2 dep; closes: #481032.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* debian/control.in:
  + Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0, no additional changes needed.

8. By Robert Ancell

* debian/rules:
  - Move Python 2.6 modules from site-packages to dist-packages (LP: #390523)

7. By Daniel Holbach

release to karmic

Branch metadata

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Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
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