- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~chasedouglas/qt/fix-patch-removal
Branch merges
- Michał Zając: Approve
- Harald Sitter: Approve
Diff: 16 lines (+0/-3)1 file modifieddebian/patches/series (+0/-3)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 164. By Michał Zając <email address hidden>
Removed patches which went upstream according to Qt developers at UDS
http://summit. ubuntu. com/uds- o/meeting/ desktop- o-kubuntu- packaging- two/ - 163. By Jonathan Riddell
* SECURITY UPDATE: Fake SSL certificates produced by Comodo, LP: #742377
* Update kubuntu_30_blacklist_ ssl_certificate s.diff from upstream staging
- in qsslsocket_openssl. cpp block bad certificates
- http://qt.gitorious. org/+qt- developers/ qt/staging/ commit/ b87528a71b66e78 6c11804d7b79e40 8aae612748
- http://bugreports. qt.nokia. com/browse/ QTBUG-18338
- http://www.comodo. com/Comodo- Fraud-Incident- 2011-03- 23.html - 162. By Jonathan Riddell
* SECURITY UPDATE: Fake SSL certificates produced by Comodo, LP: #742377
- Add kubuntu_30_blacklist_ ssl_certificate s.diff from upstream staging, lists
and blocks known bad certificates
- http://qt.gitorious. org/+qt- developers/ qt/staging/ commit/ 04e074e8d7c0972 95505e63565abdc 7ca2b49f7b
- http://bugreports. qt.nokia. com/browse/ QTBUG-18338
- http://www.comodo. com/Comodo- Fraud-Incident- 2011-03- 23.html - 160. By Scott Kitterman
* Release *ubuntu4
* Rebuild again to get rid of gcc4.4 on armel now that pkg-kde-tools has
been reverted to use gcc4.5 too - 158. By Scott Kitterman
qt4-x11 (4:4.7.2-0ubuntu3) natty; urgency=low
* Stop forcing Qt4 on ARM to build against gcc-4.4 (drop build-dep and
related rules changes)
* Replace Debian Vcs-* fields in Ubuntu Vcs-* in debian/control-- Scott Kitterman <email address hidden> Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:26:52 -0500
- 157. By Scott Kitterman
qt4-x11 (4:4.7.2-0ubuntu2) natty; urgency=low
* debian/
patches/ kubuntu_ 02_neon_ flags.patch: Pass -mfpu=neon to
files that use NEON instructions, fix ARM FTBFS.
* debian/patches/ kubuntu_ 23_arm_ memory_ barriers. patch: Make ARM
atomic operations SMP-safe by adding memory barriers. Backported
from Qt master branch.-- Jani Monoses <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Mar 2011 14:53:00 +0200
- 156. By Jonathan Riddell
* New upstream release
* Remove 17_add_postgresql_ 8.3_support. diff now upstream
* Remove 22_use___GLIBC_ _.diff now upstream
* Remove kubuntu_19_gtkstyle_ inactive_ background. diff now upstream
* Remove kubuntu_20_gtkstyle_ tabwidget_ focus.diff now upstream
* Remove kubuntu_25_qsortfilterp roxymodel. diff now upstream
* If no widget is found on touch begin, stop processing touch (LP:
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)