
Created by Chase Douglas and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~chasedouglas/kubuntu-packaging/touchegg-geis-rename
Only Chase Douglas can upload to this branch. If you are Chase Douglas please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Chase Douglas

Recent revisions

9. By Chase Douglas

Bump lintian standards version to 3.9.3

8. By Chase Douglas

Depend on renamed geis package

7. By Harald Sitter

New upstream release (LP: #855491)

6. By Romain Perier

New upstream release

5. By Romain Perier

Release to oneiric.

4. By Romain Perier

* Add debian/patches/kubuntu_01_desktopfile_remove_xdg_open.diff:
  Drop the line to exec the desktop file with xdg-open, it's not
  an executable.

3. By Romain Perier

Change the distro to UNRELEASED

2. By Romain Perier

* Add +repack in the revision
* Add missing build-deps
* Change the description
* Improve Packaging style
* Replace GPL-3.0+ by GPL-3 in debian/copyright
* Remove debian/docs
* Inline the debian/rules
* Make debian/touchegg.install more generic

1. By Romain Perier

Initial release

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
