Merge lp://staging/~charlesk/indicator-power/icon-policy into lp://staging/indicator-power/1.0

Proposed by Ted Gould
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 125
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~charlesk/indicator-power/icon-policy
Merge into: lp://staging/indicator-power/1.0
Diff against target: 679 lines (+236/-161)
2 files modified
data/ (+11/-1)
src/indicator-power.c (+225/-160)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~charlesk/indicator-power/icon-policy
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lars Karlitski (community) Approve
Review via email:
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137. By Charles Kerr

make prototypes for update_visibility() and should_be_visible() align with the neighboring forward declarations

138. By Charles Kerr

remove unnecessary G_OBJECT() cast

139. By Charles Kerr

consistent use of ICON_POLICY_KEY

140. By Charles Kerr

remove unncessary private field 'visible'

141. By Charles Kerr

move POWER_INDICATOR_ICON_POLICY_* enum to the top of the file

142. By Charles Kerr

ensure that we don't have a reference to the proxy or proxy_cancel fields in indicator_power_dispose().

Revision history for this message
Lars Karlitski (larsu) wrote :

I've reviewed this exact code in another merge:

Approving it here, too.

review: Approve

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