I saw `tox -e behave` listed in README.md as an integration test, so tried running that too. I don't know if that is an applicable testsuite for acceptance testing, nor if it is currently expected to pass or not, but it failed for me:
~/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools$ tox -e behave
GLOB sdist-make: /home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/setup.py
behave create: /home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/.tox/behave
behave installdeps: -rrequirements.txt, -rtest-requirements.txt
behave inst: /home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/.tox/.tmp/package/1/ubuntu-advantage-tools-24.4.zip
behave installed: appdirs==1.4.3,attrs==20.1.0,behave==1.2.6,CacheControl==0.12.6,certifi==2019.11.28,chardet==3.0.4,colorama==0.4.3,contextlib2==0.6.0,coverage==5.2.1,distlib==0.3.0,distro==1.4.0,flake8==3.8.3,html5lib==1.0.1,idna==2.8,iniconfig==1.0.1,ipaddr==2.2.0,lockfile==0.12.2,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==4.0.2,more-itertools==8.5.0,msgpack==0.6.2,packaging==20.3,parse==1.17.0,parse-type==0.5.2,pep517==0.8.2,pluggy==0.13.1,progress==1.5,py==1.9.0,pycodestyle==2.6.0,pyflakes==2.2.0,PyHamcrest==2.0.2,pyparsing==2.4.6,pytest==6.0.1,pytest-cov==2.10.1,pytoml==0.1.21,PyYAML==5.3.1,requests==2.22.0,retrying==1.3.3,six==1.14.0,toml==0.10.1,ubuntu-advantage-tools==24.4,urllib3==1.25.8,webencodings==0.5.1
behave run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3371048301'
behave run-test: commands[0] | behave --verbose
Loading config defaults from "./tox.ini"
Using defaults:
color True
show_snippets True
show_skipped True
dry_run False
show_source True
show_timings True
stdout_capture True
stderr_capture True
log_capture True
logging_format %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s
logging_level 20
steps_catalog False
summary True
junit False
stage None
userdata {}
default_format pretty
scenario_outline_annotation_schema {name} -- @{row.id} {examples.name}
more_formatters {}
Using default path "./features"
Trying base directory: /home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/features
Config options:
image_clean = True
destroy_instances = True
contract_token = None
reuse_image = None
Creating behave-image-build-1598996336365313
Starting behave-image-build-1598996336365313
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
HOOK-ERROR in before_all: Exception: System did not boot in 10s
File "/home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/.tox/behave/lib/python3.8/site-packages/behave/runner.py", line 545, in run_hook
self.hooks[name](context, *args)
File "features/environment.py", line 111, in before_all
File "features/environment.py", line 167, in create_trusty_uat_lxd_image
launch_lxd_container(context, "ubuntu:trusty", build_container_name)
File "/home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/features/util.py", line 33, in launch_lxd_container
File "/home/bryce/pkg/UbuntuAdvantageTools/review-mp390109/ubuntu-advantage-tools/features/util.py", line 107, in wait_for_boot
raise Exception("System did not boot in {}s".format(sum(retries)))
Error: Failed to destroy ZFS filesystem: cannot destroy 'default/containers/behave-image-build-1598996336365313': dataset is busy
However, this error looks like one I commonly encounter on my system when trying to delete an lxc container, so I am guessing this is just an error during cleanup due to my own local system configuration. (Fwiw, I work around the error by renaming the lxc instance to "trash-N" and then cleaning them up after I've rebooted. It's a known issue in LXD upstream, and there's other workarounds documented.)
Anyway, for that reason I'm going to ignore this testsuite for this upload, and just mentioning it for your information.
I saw `tox -e behave` listed in README.md as an integration test, so tried running that too. I don't know if that is an applicable testsuite for acceptance testing, nor if it is currently expected to pass or not, but it failed for me:
~/pkg/UbuntuAdv antageTools/ review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools$ tox -e behave pkg/UbuntuAdvan tageTools/ review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/setup. py pkg/UbuntuAdvan tageTools/ review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/. tox/behave requirements. txt pkg/UbuntuAdvan tageTools/ review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/. tox/.tmp/ package/ 1/ubuntu- advantage- tools-24. 4.zip =1.4.3, attrs== 20.1.0, behave= =1.2.6, CacheControl= =0.12.6, certifi= =2019.11. 28,chardet= =3.0.4, colorama= =0.4.3, contextlib2= =0.6.0, coverage= =5.2.1, distlib= =0.3.0, distro= =1.4.0, flake8= =3.8.3, html5lib= =1.0.1, idna==2. 8,iniconfig= =1.0.1, ipaddr= =2.2.0, lockfile= =0.12.2, mccabe= =0.6.1, mock==4. 0.2,more- itertools= =8.5.0, msgpack= =0.6.2, packaging= =20.3,parse= =1.17.0, parse-type= =0.5.2, pep517= =0.8.2, pluggy= =0.13.1, progress= =1.5,py= =1.9.0, pycodestyle= =2.6.0, pyflakes= =2.2.0, PyHamcrest= =2.0.2, pyparsing= =2.4.6, pytest= =6.0.1, pytest- cov==2. 10.1,pytoml= =0.1.21, PyYAML= =5.3.1, requests= =2.22.0, retrying= =1.3.3, six==1. 14.0,toml= =0.10.1, ubuntu- advantage- tools== 24.4,urllib3= =1.25.8, webencodings= =0.5.1 '3371048301' s:%(name) s:%(message) s outline_ annotation_ schema {name} -- @{row.id} {examples.name} pkg/UbuntuAdvan tageTools/ review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/features image-build- 159899633636531 3 image-build- 159899633636531 3 bryce/pkg/ UbuntuAdvantage Tools/review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/. tox/behave/ lib/python3. 8/site- packages/ behave/ runner. py", line 545, in run_hook hooks[name] (context, *args) environment. py", line 111, in before_all trusty_ uat_lxd_ image(context) environment. py", line 167, in create_ trusty_ uat_lxd_ image lxd_container( context, "ubuntu:trusty", build_container _name) bryce/pkg/ UbuntuAdvantage Tools/review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/features/ util.py" , line 33, in launch_ lxd_container for_boot( container_ name) bryce/pkg/ UbuntuAdvantage Tools/review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/features/ util.py" , line 107, in wait_for_boot sum(retries) )) containers/ behave- image-build- 159899633636531 3': dataset is busy
GLOB sdist-make: /home/bryce/
behave create: /home/bryce/
behave installdeps: -rrequirements.txt, -rtest-
behave inst: /home/bryce/
behave installed: appdirs=
behave run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED=
behave run-test: commands[0] | behave --verbose
Loading config defaults from "./tox.ini"
Using defaults:
color True
show_snippets True
show_skipped True
dry_run False
show_source True
show_timings True
stdout_capture True
stderr_capture True
log_capture True
logging_format %(levelname)
logging_level 20
steps_catalog False
summary True
junit False
stage None
userdata {}
default_format pretty
more_formatters {}
Using default path "./features"
Trying base directory: /home/bryce/
Config options:
image_clean = True
destroy_instances = True
contract_token = None
reuse_image = None
Creating behave-
Starting behave-
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
Unexpected runlevel output:
HOOK-ERROR in before_all: Exception: System did not boot in 10s
File "/home/
File "features/
File "features/
File "/home/
File "/home/
raise Exception("System did not boot in {}s".format(
Error: Failed to destroy ZFS filesystem: cannot destroy 'default/
ABORTED: By user. pkg/UbuntuAdvan tageTools/ review- mp390109/ ubuntu- advantage- tools/. tox/behave/ bin/behave --verbose (exited with code 1) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____ summary _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____
0 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 6 untested
0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 22 untested
0 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined, 132 untested
Took 0m0.000s
ERROR: InvocationError for command /home/bryce/
ERROR: behave: commands failed
However, this error looks like one I commonly encounter on my system when trying to delete an lxc container, so I am guessing this is just an error during cleanup due to my own local system configuration. (Fwiw, I work around the error by renaming the lxc instance to "trash-N" and then cleaning them up after I've rebooted. It's a known issue in LXD upstream, and there's other workarounds documented.)
Anyway, for that reason I'm going to ignore this testsuite for this upload, and just mentioning it for your information.