
Owned by Chad Smith
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Name Last Modified Last Commit
cloud-init-desktop-use-netplan 2023-04-07 23:11:48 UTC
releasing package livecd-rootfs version 2.821

Author: Chad Smith
Author Date: 2023-04-07 22:56:38 UTC

releasing package livecd-rootfs version 2.821

desktop-cloud-init-after-network-manager-ordering 2023-03-23 23:05:30 UTC
cloud-init.service: systemd ordering after after NetworkManager

Author: Chad Smith
Author Date: 2023-03-23 23:05:30 UTC

cloud-init.service: systemd ordering after after NetworkManager

Autoinstall directives can be provided on the grub cmdline to
cloud-init via kernel parameters like the following:
 autoinstall 'ds=nocloud-net;s=http://somedomain/'

In order to support DNS resolution for NoCloud datasource at
datasource discovery time, cloud-init.service needs to be
orderered after NetworkManager.service and
which will have brought up applicable NICs.

Since NetworkManager is After=dbus.service, the cloud-init.service
avoids systemd ordering cycles by also dropping
Before=sysinit.target when it adds, After=NetworkManager.service and

Add this file overlay for /lib/systemd/system/cloud-init.service
because systemd drop-in files can only add constraints and not
drop prexisting service constraints.

Also add an AUTOMATION_HEADER comment to any generated files to
add discoverability in the event of future bugs/concerns.

LP: #2008952

use-cloud-cfg-d-parts 2023-03-23 21:54:37 UTC
cloud.cfg: migrate remaining cloud cfg modules to cloud.cfg.d/ parts

Author: Chad Smith
Author Date: 2023-03-23 21:54:37 UTC

cloud.cfg: migrate remaining cloud cfg modules to cloud.cfg.d/ parts

Preserve this list of config modules allowed to run in ephmeral
installer stage.

Is there a reason some modules are redacted?

  It's likely some of this (certainly the final modules) were cut to
  save time intentionally in ephemeral boot.

  - Note that cloud-init now performs schema validation to avoid
    running inapplicable modules avoiding sunk cost into loading 50+
    config modules that NOOP.

  Another reason these modules were trimmed was probably to filter
  unwanted behavior from ephemeral boot stage.

It's likely a mix of many reasons but we should review this list
again to see if we still want to retain the subset of modules and
if we should include more. One element take into account is if we
want to support modification of ephemeral install stage with
cloud-config user-data, we need to think about whether we want
derivative installers to leverage standard #cloud-config options.

The missing modules unrepresented from upstream:
    - migrator
    - seed_random
    - growpart
    - resizefs
    - disk_setup
    - mounts
    - set_hostname
    - update_hostname
    - update_etc_hosts

    - wireguard
    - snap
    - ubuntu_autoinstall
    - keyboard
    - locale
    - grub-dpkg
    - apt-pipelining
    - apt-configure
    - ubuntu-advantage
    - ntp
    - byobu

   - package-update-upgrade-install
   - fan
   - landscape
   - lxd
   - ubuntu-drivers
   - write-files-deferred
   - puppet
   - chef
   - ansible
   - mcollective
   - salt-minion
   - reset_rmc
   - refresh_rmc_and_interface
   - rightscale_userdata
   - scripts-vendor
   - scripts-per-boot
   - scripts-per-instance
   - install-hotplug
   - power-state-change

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