
Created by Chris Behrens and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~cbehrens/agent-smith/remove-events
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Branch information

Chris Behrens

Recent revisions

90. By Chris Behrens

rm messages from incoming spool dir after sending to xenstore
rm message from xenstore after reading and writing to outgoing spool dir
Add -t switch to disable the above removals for testing
When agent starts, it immediately sees an event for 'data/host'. Added
    better checking so that data/host/UUID is required..
Don't mkdir /tmp/agent-smith if it already exists.

89. By Christopher MacGown

QB expects a string

88. By Christopher MacGown

Change response_code from key_init

87. By Chris Behrens

json in xenstore needs to not have trailing newlines or linefeeds

85. By Chris Behrens

xenstore writing was failing due to extra "/" in the path

84. By Christopher MacGown

read doesn't like echo, so throw it in a temp file instead

83. By Christopher MacGown

Fixes for debian parsing

82. By Christopher MacGown

JSON parsing modifications, changes to tests so it passes

81. By Christopher MacGown

agent script changes

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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