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Name Last Modified Last Commit
oci-image 2020-09-30 21:35:45 UTC
Create an OCI image based on the debian package in Focal

Author: Lucas Kanashiro
Author Date: 2020-09-30 21:07:45 UTC

Create an OCI image based on the debian package in Focal

The debian package is built during OCI build time and the generated
binary is installed in the container. There is also a mechanism to apply
extra patches on top of the exitent ones.

downgrade-debhelper-for-focal 2020-07-02 17:07:44 UTC
* d/control: downgrade debhelper to version 12 for focal builds

Author: Andreas Hasenack
Author Date: 2020-07-02 17:07:44 UTC

  * d/control: downgrade debhelper to version 12 for focal builds

12 of 2 results
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