
Created by Celso Providelo and last modified
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Branch information

Canonical CI Engineering
Ubuntu CI Services

Recent revisions

11. By Elena Grandi

* New upstream release. Closes: #738509, #736496.
* CVE-2014-1928 (Erroneous insertion of a \ character) fixed upstream
* CVE-2014-1927 (Erroneous assumptions about the usability of " characters)
  fixed upstream
* CVE-2013-7323 (Unrestricted use of unquoted strings in a shell)
  fixed upstream
* Updated watch file for new download source (pypi).
* Updated standard versions to 3.9.5 (no change needed).
* Removed use_quick_random_for_gnupg_1.patch (applied upstream).
* Updated project homepage

10. By Elena Grandi

[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Skip more tests that require network connection. Closes: #721965.

[ Elena Grandi ]
* Discard http(s) traffic to catch early further similar problems.

9. By Dmitry Shachnev

* Upload current Subversion HEAD to fix build failure.
* Skip more tests that require network connection. Closes: #721965.

8. By Elena Grandi

* New upstream release. Closes: #721296, #721294.
* Updated standard versions to 3.9.4 (no change needed).
* Reverted simplification of --quick-random workaround.
* Adding --quick-random instead of --debug-quick-random for
  gnupg < 2.

7. By Elena Grandi

[ Jakub Wilk ]
* Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.

[ Elena Grandi ]
* New upstream release. Closes: #695796
* Removed testsuite patches (merged upstream).
* Simplified --quick-random workaround thanks to partial upstream
  fixes. https://code.google.com/p/python-gnupg/issues/detail?id=61

6. By Barry Warsaw

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches:
  + skip_network_needing_test.patch: Refreshed.

5. By Barry Warsaw

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches:
  + skip_network_needing_test.patch: Refreshed.
  + return_nonzero_on_test_failure.patch: Applied upstream, deleted.
  + allow_test_to_run_under_c_locale.patch: Applied upstream, deleted.

4. By Helmut Grohne

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Work around test suite hangs by adding --quick-random when generating
  keys. Closes: #682648

3. By Elena Grandi

* New upstream release
* Patched testsuite to return nonzero on failure. Closes: #671259

2. By Elena Grandi

Initial release. Closes: 660842

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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