
Created by Thomi Richards and last modified
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Canonical CI Engineering

Recent revisions

14. By Thomi Richards

Update charm to make config file visible, and make the upstart config file explicit about the config file it uses.

13. By Paul Larson

Run the worker as a normal user, rather than the user that was used to install the code. [r=Celso Providelo]

12. By Celso Providelo

Install 'uci-nova' ssh-setup on the default autopkgtest location so it can be used by workers. [r=Paul Larson]

11. By Celso Providelo

Nova keypair setup naming changes to accommodate the kill of [adt] configuration section. [r=Thomi Richards]

10. By Celso Providelo

Restrictive security group setup for testbeds. [r=Thomi Richards]

9. By Para Siva

Code installation using tarball first if one present. [r=Celso Providelo]

8. By Evan

Fixing charm subprocess calls to not hide installation errors. [r=Celso Providelo]

7. By Celso Providelo

Adding steps to (re-) configure nova keypairs, so worker can access its testbeds. [r=Parameswaran Sivatharman]

6. By Celso Providelo

Installing autopkgtest from our team ppa (3.9.6-0~1054~ubuntu14.04.1). [r=Francis Ginther]

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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