
Created by Guewen Baconnier @ Camptocamp and last modified
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Recent revisions

4269. By Guewen Baconnier @ Camptocamp <email address hidden>

[IMP] improved style as suggested by Alexandre Fayolle

4268. By Guewen Baconnier @ Camptocamp <email address hidden>

[FIX] do not try to translate fields on models which are not stored in database (when _auto is False)

4267. By Raphael Collet (OpenERP)

[MERGE] trunk-first_10_clicks_sale-rco (usability improvements)

4266. By Raphael Collet (OpenERP)

[MERGE] trunk-first_10_clicks_crm-mdi (usability in crm)

4265. By Nicolas Vanhoren (OpenERP)

[IMP] cosmetic improvement in partner view

4264. By Olivier Dony (Odoo)

[MERGE] orm,fields: fields.char's argument now all optional (especially @size) + minor cleanup

The size limit on fields.char is entirely cosmetics,
as it makes no difference in performance or size for
PostgreSQL storage. The size only has to be specified
when the field needs to be size-constrained for
business reasons, like fixed-length references, EAN, etc.

4263. By Anto

[MERGE] fix Sale's top menu item sequence number

4262. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] Merged OpenChatter part3: The Return of the Composer Reloaded Strikes Back. Server-side part of OpenChatter part 3, holding the new message composer. This revision adds an override of res.partner name_create method to support custom creation: <email address hidden> (name and email <email address hidden>), and Raoul <email address hidden> (name Raoul, email <email address hidden>).

4261. By Raphael Collet (OpenERP)

[MERGE] trunk-module-summary (add field 'summary' on modules)

4260. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

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