
Created by Martin Pool and last modified
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Recent revisions

9. By Kentaro Hayashi

merge patch(attribute error) from Martin Pool. Thanks!

8. By Kentaro Hayashi

support non-ascii file names.
better file path handling that has white spaces.
these bug is known ones, but i am the only one that use this plugin, i think.
(so, i avoided such a file names :-P)
thanks for reporting, wisealex

7. By Kentaro Hayashi

version 0.9.0?

6. By Kentaro Hayashi

remove os.system

5. By Kentaro Hayashi

add cleanup code.

4. By Kentaro Hayashi

revert to base.

3. By Kentaro Hayashi

encdiff based document format diff plugins

2. By Kentaro Hayashi

add sample file.

1. By Kentaro Hayashi

add initial version

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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