Merge pdbq:introduce-mp-addresses into pdbq:main

Proposed by Bryce Harrington
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: Bryce Harrington
Merged at revision: 730843ca5c13e6122eb94172a0a2125cf40e7c5a
Proposed branch: pdbq:introduce-mp-addresses
Merge into: pdbq:main
Diff against target: 343 lines (+163/-51)
2 files modified
pdbq/ (+76/-12)
tests/ (+87/-39)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Athos Ribeiro (community) Needs Information
Canonical Server Core Reviewers Pending
Canonical Server Reporter Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

This branch introduces a new notion of shorthand MP addresses, similar to PPA addresses and LP: #'s. So, this MP could be referenced as:


That's enough info to translate into the full URL. There are some complexities involved, which I elaborate about in the commit message. Since for now this is merely cosmetic for display purposes I'm not bothering with properly documenting it, let alone making a spec about it, but if this ends up being actually useful those would be logical actions to take next. (The right time for that action is most likely around when a parser is going to be written for it.)

Where I envision using this is in the summary listings of reviews, for both web page and command line. Currently, the value is seen when running `pkg-mp list`, which I recommend doing to test.

Example output:

* pdbq: MP #450375
  - address: mp:bryce/pdbq/450375
  - requester: bryce
  - requester_name: Bryce Harrington
  - requester_url:
  - date_created: Thu Aug 31 20:27:21 2023
  - date_requested: Thu Aug 31 20:27:21 2023
  - date_reviewed: None
  - date_merged: None
  - source_repo:
  - source_branch: introduce-mp-addresses
  - target_repo:
  - target_branch: main

* python-django-crispy-forms: MP #450376
  - address: mp:lvoytek/+python-django-crispy-forms/450376
  - requester: lvoytek
  - requester_name: Lena Voytek
  - requester_url:
  - date_created: Thu Aug 31 20:55:55 2023
  - date_requested: Thu Aug 31 20:55:55 2023
  - date_reviewed: None
  - date_merged: None
  - source_repo:
  - source_branch: django4-compatibility
  - target_repo:
  - target_branch: ubuntu/devel

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Revision history for this message
Athos Ribeiro (athos-ribeiro) wrote :

Thanks, Bryce.

I am reviewing this one :)

Revision history for this message
Athos Ribeiro (athos-ribeiro) :
review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Questions answered inline below.

I worry a bit that the API for this class might be a bit clunky or inconsistent, so if you have thoughts on how to make its design better I'm all ears.

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

I've added the change, and pushed the branch. Thanks again!

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