Merge lp://staging/~bruno-bottacini/openobject-italia/6.1-fix-bug-1167773 into lp://staging/~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-6.1

Proposed by bruno bottacini
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~bruno-bottacini/openobject-italia/6.1-fix-bug-1167773
Merge into: lp://staging/~openobject-italia-core-devs/openobject-italia/italian-addons-6.1
Diff against target: 25 lines (+8/-1)
1 file modified
l10n_it_ricevute_bancarie/wizard/ (+8/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~bruno-bottacini/openobject-italia/6.1-fix-bug-1167773
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Lorenzo Battistini Needs Fixing
Review via email:
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Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) wrote :

Nella 'acceptance_move_id' cercherei anche lì per conto 'effects_account_id'.
Cercando per debit > 0, se per qualunque motivo l'utente avesse usato un conto diverso o avesse aggiunto delle move.line, dentro 'to_be_reconciled' andrebbero a finire cose sbagliate

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) wrote :

This project is now hosted on Please move your proposal there. This guide may help you

Revision history for this message
Lorenzo Battistini (elbati) wrote :

Unmerged revisions

231. By bruno bottacini

Bug #1167773

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