Merge lp://staging/~brian-murray/debian/sid/lptools/lp-grab-attach into lp://staging/~debian-lptools/debian/sid/lptools/sid

Proposed by Brian Murray
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~brian-murray/debian/sid/lptools/lp-grab-attach
Merge into: lp://staging/~debian-lptools/debian/sid/lptools/sid
Diff against target: 41 lines (+14/-2)
2 files modified
bin/lp-grab-attachments (+6/-2)
debian/changelog (+8/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~brian-murray/debian/sid/lptools/lp-grab-attach
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Debian lptools maintainers Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Ubuntu has been carrying the "FailedToDecompressContent" patch for a while and OSError change is one I made locally recently.

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Unmerged revisions

106. By Brian Murray

bin/lp-grab-attachments: Do not crash when an attachment cannot be
downloaded because it fails to decompress. If the bug folder already
exists download attachments anyway as the bug may have new ones.

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