
Created by Brian Murray and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~brian-murray/daisy/find-bucket-from-stacktrace
Only Brian Murray can upload to this branch. If you are Brian Murray please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Brian Murray

Recent revisions

416. By Brian Murray

tools/find_stacktrace.py: remove redundant signature printing

415. By Brian Murray

tools/find_stacktrace.py: also check the awaiting_retrace cf

414. By Brian Murray

find_stacktrace.py: modify tool so that it takes an oops id / instance and finds the bucket that item has been collected into

413. By Brian Murray

daisy/launchpad.py: return more than 75 binaries in a source in a package (needed for linux at least)

412. By Brian Murray

daisy/launchpad.py: add a FIXME note

411. By Evan

Add a tool for finding a stacktrace, given the hash of a bucket ID.

410. By Brian Murray

daisy/utils.py: stop trying to retrace Ubuntu V1 and Ubuntu 0.2

409. By Brian Murray

add in a tool to back populate the rls:srcpkg:vers counter and update create_apport_report.py to add coredumps to reports

408. By Brian Murray

submit.py: change how we search for and reject crash reports from raring

407. By Brian Murray

merge my branch that stops accepting crashes from raring

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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