Merge lp://staging/~brendan-donegan/cdts/packaging into lp://staging/cdts
Proposed by
Brendan Donegan
Status: | Superseded |
Proposed branch: | lp://staging/~brendan-donegan/cdts/packaging |
Merge into: | lp://staging/cdts |
Diff against target: |
93 lines (+57/-0) 7 files modified
debian/changelog (+5/-0) debian/compat (+1/-0) debian/control (+18/-0) debian/copyright (+18/-0) debian/driver-testing.install (+4/-0) debian/rules (+10/-0) debian/source/format (+1/-0) |
To merge this branch: | bzr merge lp://staging/~brendan-donegan/cdts/packaging |
Related bugs: |
Reviewer | Review Type | Date Requested | Status |
Sylvain Pineau (community) | Approve | ||
Review via email: |
Description of the change
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Unmerged revisions
- 40. By Brendan Donegan
Add dependency on demo config package
- 39. By Brendan Donegan
Fixed copyright file
- 38. By Brendan Donegan
Install icons too
- 37. By Brendan Donegan
Plugin goes in lib
- 36. By Brendan Donegan
Depend on plainbox-service
- 35. By Brendan Donegan
Should work now
- 34. By Brendan Donegan
Put in debian/
driver- testing - 33. By Brendan Donegan
Break rules file for testing
- 32. By Brendan Donegan
Go up three levels instead
- 31. By Brendan Donegan
Use CURDIR as a last resort
After building the package locally using debuild -b -us -uc, lintian warned me about several files installed in /opt:
[...] dependency- on-libc needed by usr/bin/ driver- testing and 1 others driver- testing/ driver- testing/ qml/ driver- testing/ qml/DemoWarning s.qml driver- testing/ qml/driver- testing. qml without- manpage usr/bin/ driver- testing
Now running lintian...
E: driver-testing: missing-
E: driver-testing: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/driver-testing/
E: driver-testing: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/share/
E: driver-testing: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/share/
E: driver-testing: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/share/
E: driver-testing: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/share/
E: driver-testing: dir-or-file-in-opt opt/share/
W: driver-testing: binary-
Finished running lintian.
It does not prevent the package to be installed or work correctly.
I'm suspecting plainbox- gui/driver- testing/ qtquick2applica tionviewer/ qtquick2applica tionviewer. pri because of this line:
installPrefix = /opt/$${TARGET}
But I'm not enterly sure.
Anyway, +1 Great work.