
Created by Cody Russell and last modified
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Cody Russell

Recent revisions

22. By Cody Russell

Relicensed Canonical code from GPLv3 to LGPLv3/LGPLv2.1 dual license.

21. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 0.98.0-0ubuntu1

20. By Sebastien Bacher

New git snapshot

19. By Sebastien Bacher

* New git snapshot
* debian/patches/90_git_null_widget_crash.patch,
  - the changes are in the new version
* debian/patches/01_display_only_selected_menu_items.patch:
  - disabled for now since it doesn't apply, if the change is still required
    somebody who understand it will need to update to the current codebase

18. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/90_git_null_widget_crash.patch:
  - git change to fix a crasher in gtk_paint_layout() on null widgets
    (lp: #548952) (lp: #549281)
* debian/patches/91_git_font_rendering.patch:
  - git change to fix a font rendering issue since the theme update
    (lp: #546485)

17. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/01_display_only_selected_menu_items.patch:
  - change by Cody Russell to display the menu entry widgets only next to
    the selected entries (lp: #546263)

16. By Sebastien Bacher

New git snapshot version to fix some theme issues (lp: #533484)

15. By Sebastien Bacher

* Upload a git snapshot to lucid
* Drop the git changes which are in the new version

14. By C de-Avillez

* murrine fix for bug LP: #460710
  - add ./debian/patches
  - cherry-pick GIT commits:
  - debian/patches/01-I-don-t-know-why-I-had-x_step-2-here-maybe-to-avoid-.patch
     GIT commit 1c36c51a94716a34567d21390908616cdf89f832
  - debian/patches/02-Fix-a-potential-endless-loop-in-draw_progressbar_fil.patch
     GIT commint beaeda3e777f9e91a2f17d61584a38ee043b7866
  - debian/patches/series: added.
  - debian/rules: augmented to deal with quilt patches.
    I could have consolidated them, but this makes it easier to cross-check.
  - debian/control: added quilt as a build-depends.

13. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* Merge with debian version to fix FTBFS from syncing (LP: #357543)
  Remaining changes:
  + debian/control:
    - keep debhelper 4 b-d as 7.0.50 is not in jaunty
    - keep libgtk2.0-dev >= 2.12.0
    - don't recommend murrine-themes as we don't want to change seeded
      packages so close to jaunty gate
  + debian/rules: use old one with debhelper 4 as 7.0.50 is needed
    by the new debian version of this file
  + debian/compat: still 4

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