
Created by Cody Russell and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~bratsche/banshee/notification-actions-without-the-evil
Only Cody Russell can upload to this branch. If you are Cody Russell please log in for upload directions.

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Cody Russell

Recent revisions

80. By Cody Russell <cody@beamish>

Check for server support before calling Notification.AddAction()

79. By cody <cody@raconteur>

Update changelog

78. By cody <cody@raconteur>

notification actions patch

77. By Chris Halse Rogers

* Merge from Debian experimental. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  + debian/control:
    - gnome-sharp2 transition; lib{gconf,gnome}2.0 -> 2.24

76. By Chris Halse Rogers

* debian/control:
  + gnome-sharp transition (LP: #314516):
    - Build-depend on lib{gconf,gnome}2.24-cil, rather than 2.0-cil

75. By James Westby

* Mono 2.0 transition:
  - Change mono-gmcs to mono-devel as gmcs has moved and the latter ships
    csc which we now use as the compiler.
  - Add "MCS=/usr/bin/csc" to DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS in debian/rules
    to compile with csc.
  - Changes should be in the next Debian upload.
  - Thanks to Jo Shields.

74. By Sebastian Dröge

New upstream bugfix release.

73. By Iain Lane

* debian/patches/05_lastfm-invalid-chars-crash.patch:
  + Backport fix from upstream SVN (rev. 4462) to fix crasher when sent
    invalid characters by the Last.fm API (LP: #239346).
    See: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=538206

72. By Sebastian Dröge

* debian/control:
  + Depend on gnome-icon-theme >= 2.16 (Closes: #491976, #490662).

71. By Sebastian Dröge

* debian/control:
  + Update description to include video support and improve some other small
    things (Closes: #494981).
* debian/patches/03_now-playing-cover-crash.patch:
  + Fix crash in the "Now playing" source if the current song
    has no cover art. Patch from upstream SVN/Bugzilla.
* debian/patches/04_first-start-crash.patch:
  + Fix crash on first start. Patch from upstream Bugzilla.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack5 (bzr 1.6)
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