
Created by Brandon Schaefer and last modified
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Branch information

Brandon Schaefer

Recent revisions

15. By Brandon Schaefer

* Apply the patch

14. By Brandon Schaefer

* Add patch to forward declare mir structs. So we don't need to expose mir headers.

13. By Colin Watson

releasing package libsdl2 version 2.0.2+dfsg1-3ubuntu1

12. By Colin Watson


11. By Colin Watson

add FFe bug number

9. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <email address hidden>

Actually change Build-Depends libegl1-mesa-dev to be conditionally
[!hurd-any]. It was applied to libgl1-mesa-dev by mistake in -2.

8. By Matthias Klose

Patch libtool.m4 and configure to support ppc64el.

7. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <email address hidden>

* New upstream release (Closes: #728974)
  - Remove patch applied upstream:
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, no changes needed.

[ Felix Geyer ]
* Import upstream gpg key for uscan to verify the orig tarball.

6. By Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <email address hidden>

* Build-Depends on pkg-config
* Apply patch accepted upstream to work around a false-positive in the
  X11 mouse wheel code (Closes: #723797). Thanks Darren Salt for the
  report and the fix.
* Review and removal of old patches not applied in SDL2, virtually of
  them applied upstream, or rejected as invalid for good reason, or
  don't apply any more (code/functionality removed upstream). I
  forwarded and documented the remaining patches.
  - 001_autogen_autotools_fix.diff
  - 020_libcaca_new_api.diff
  - 030_pulseaudio_enable.diff
  - 040_propagate_pic_to_nasm.diff
  - 050_altivec_detection.diff
  - 060_disable_ipod.diff
  - 205_lock_keys.diff
  - 205_x11_keysym_fix.diff
  - 206_gcc4_compilation_fix.diff
  - 209_alsa_priority.diff
  - 214_missing_mmx_blit.diff
  - 215_kfreebsd_gnu.diff
  - 216_page_size.diff
  - 217_x11_keytounicode.diff
  - 218_double_free.diff
  - 218_joystick_memmove.diff
  - 219_pulseaudio_crackles.diff
  - 220_std_cld.diff
  - 221_check_SDL_NOKBD_environment_variable.diff
  - 222_joystick_crash.diff
  - 310_fixmouseclicks
  - 310_segfault_noGLX.diff
  - 320_activate_xrandr_on_default.diff
  - 320_disappearingcursor.diff

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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