
Created by Brad Marshall and last modified
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Brad Marshall

Recent revisions

106. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Handle when the nagios_hostname isn't set by just returning

105. By Brad Marshall

[bradm] Make the charm pull the nagios_context and nagios_hostname from the nrpe relationship, rather than regenerating it

104. By Stuart Bishop

[aisrael] Lint fixes

103. By Stuart Bishop

[ev] Make sysctl call (for tuning kernel parameters) non-fatal

102. By Stuart Bishop

[joetalbott] Ensure client credentials are up-to-date after an external mountpoint is mounted.

101. By Stuart Bishop

[stub] Initialize backup log file on install to silence spurious nagios alert, per https://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/precise/postgresql/bug-1329816-backup-log-spurious-alert/+merge/223210

100. By Marco Ceppi

[stub] Allow running of tests in different series, both precise and trusty.

99. By Marco Ceppi

[stub] PostgreSQL 9.4 (beta) support. Because.

98. By Stuart Bishop

[chad.smith] Use storage broker and storage subordinate charm for non-ephemeral disk, per https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/charms/precise/postgresql/postgresql-using-storage-subordinate/+merge/206078

97. By Stuart Bishop

[hackedbellini] Allow inclusion of arbitrary pg_hba.conf stanzas for arbitrary access control restrictions, per https://code.launchpad.net/~hackedbellini/charms/precise/postgresql/development_options/+merge/219058

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