
Created by Brian Lamar and last modified
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Branch information

Brian Lamar

Recent revisions

1169. By Brian Lamar

A crap ton of session=session lines removed.

1168. By Sandy Walsh

Now forwards create instance requests to child zones.
Refactored nova.compute.api.create() to support deferred db entry creation.

NOTE: created instances using the ZoneAwareScheduler result in two db entries: one in the parent zone, one in the child zone. This will be fixed in the next branch which will deal with reservation ID's and a new POST /zone/server OS API command. All the other schedulers work as advertised.

1167. By Jason Cannavale

MySQL database tables are currently using the MyISAM engine. Created migration script nova/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/021_set_engine_mysql_innodb.py to change all current tables to InnoDB.

1166. By Yuriy Taraday

Support for header "X-Auth-Project-Id" in osapi.

1165. By Alex Meade

Cleaned up some pylint errors

1164. By Alex Meade

Fix for bug#794239 to allow pep8 in run_tests.sh to use the virtual environment

1163. By John Tran

adding Authorizer key for ImportPublicKey

1162. By Alex Meade

Cleaned up some of the larger pylint errors. Set to ignore some lines that pylint just couldn't understand.

1161. By Dan Prince

DRY up the image_state logic. Fix an issue where glance style images (which aren't required to have an 'image_state' property) couldn't be used to run instances on the EC2 controller.

1160. By Josh Kearney

Add the option to specify a default IPv6 gateway.

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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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