
Created by Benjamin Kerensa and last modified
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Benjamin Kerensa

Recent revisions

2. By Benjamin Kerensa

Fix for Depends

1. By أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)

* Renamed package to sabily-gdm-themes. Affects: debian/control,
  debian/postinst, debian/prerm, debian/rules. (LP: #359436).
* debian/control:
  + Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no changes needed.
  + Added Replaces: ubuntume-gdm-themes (<= 1.2.1).
  + Distro name changed to Sabily.
  + Provide ubuntume-gdm-themes as a dummy transitional package.
  + Updated team name/email in Maintainer field.
  + Updated URLs in Vcs-* fields.
* Renamed UbuntuME-Shahada theme to Shahada. Affects: debian/control,
* Renamed UbuntuME-green theme to Sabily-green. Affects: debian/control,
* debian/README.Debian: s/UbuntuME/HumanME since HumanME is the default
* File renames:
  + HumanME/ubuntu.png => HumanME/sabily.png
  + HumanME/ubuntume-splash.png => HumanME/sabily-splash.png
  + UbuntuME-Shahada/UbuntuME-Shahada.xml => Shahada/Shahada.xml
  + UbuntuME-Shahada/ubuntume-splash.png => Shahada/shahada-splash.png
  + UbuntuME-green/UbuntuME-green.xml => Sabily-green/Sabily-green.xml
  + UbuntuME-green/ubuntuME.png => Sabily-green/sabily.png
* PNG file renames reflected in respective XML files.
* XML file renames reflected in respective GdmGreeterTheme.desktop files.
* Modified descriptions in GdmGreeterTheme.desktop files.
* Updates to HumanME theme from Amine Fahem.
* debian/copyright:
  + Added Amine Fahem.
  + Updated packaging license to GPLv3+.
  + converted to machine-readable format.
* HumanME/HumanME.xml: fixed the values for logo positioning.
* Split postinst into:
  + sabily-gdm-themes.postinst: which just adds a new gdm-config-derivative
  + ubuntume-gdm-themes.postinst: which checks for upgrading from 1.2 or
    less, to:
    - Update the link of gdm-config-derivative if our theme was the default
    - remove /usr/share/ubuntume-gdm-themes/gdm-cdd.conf alternative.
* gdm-cdd.conf: don't play sound on GDM startup.

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