
Created by Benjamin Kerensa and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~bkerensa/ubuntu/raring/fglrx-installer-updates/depends-fix1
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Benjamin Kerensa

Recent revisions

24. By Benjamin Kerensa

Add depends

23. By Alberto Milone

* debian/dkms.conf.in,
  - Add support for Linux 3.7 (LP: #1075937).

22. By Alberto Milone

* debian/rules:
  - Correct the path to Qt libraries on i386.

21. By Alberto Milone

* debian/rules:
  - Make sure that all binaries in /usr/bin are executable.
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format.

20. By Alberto Milone

* New upstream release (LP: #1032672).
* debian/dkms.conf.in:
  - Do not apply any kernel patch
* debian/rules:
  - Make it possible to set the xserver ABIs in debian/substvars.
* Merge fixes from the upstream installer:
  - Fix openCL issues running x86 binaries on x86_64.
  - Make sure that dh_shlibdeps doesn't complain about missing qt

19. By Alberto Milone

* New upstream release (LP: #1039397).
* debian/control:
  - Conflict with/replace/provide nvidia and fglrx. This will make
    sure that other binary drivers cannot be installed at the same
    time. This is required by the new restricted drivers UI.
* debian/rules:
  - Make sure to call the "serverabi" phony target.
  - Hardcode the X ABI to 11.

18. By Alberto Milone

[ Stéphane Graber ]
Only purge the package if nothing else provides fglrx
(LP: #949641).

17. By Alberto Milone

* debian/control:
  - Make sure that ${xviddriver:Depends} is actually replaced
    with its value.
* debian/rules:
  - Make sure to call the serverabi target.

16. By Adam Conrad

Rename build to build-arch and make build depend on build-arch.

15. By Alberto Milone

* fix-build-issue-on-i386-where-TS_USEDFPU-is-no-longe.patch:
  - Update patch so as to make sure to include
    asm/fpu-internal.h (LP: #1017822).

Branch metadata

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