
Created by Benjamin Kerensa and last modified
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Benjamin Kerensa

Recent revisions

11. By Benjamin Kerensa

Fix for Control

10. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream release.
  - compatible with Chameleon 2.x
* debian/rules:
  - remove compiling of translations, upstream now includes *.mo files
  - move zope.app.container to Suggests
* debian/control:
  - remove gettext from Build-Depends.
* debian/copyright: update to latest dep5 format.

9. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/install-locales.patch: remove, fixed upstream.
* debian/pydist-overrides: remove, we use van.pydeb.
* debian/python-z3c.pyinstall: add to install the z3c/__init__.py file.
* debian/rules: remove custom code for __init__.py installation.

8. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild to drop python2.6 dependencies.

7. By Gediminas Paulauskas

Revert previous change.

6. By Gediminas Paulauskas

debian/rules: no longer install z3c/__init__.py, dh_python2 will create
it for us.

5. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* debian/patches/install-locales.patch: fix installation of locales.
* debian/rules: re-add include python.mk, used below for __init__.py

4. By Charlie_Smotherman

* dh_python2 transiton.
* changed to source format 3.0 quilt.
* added debian/pydist-overrides to assist dhp2 calculate Depends.
* debian/rules
  - changed "--with python-central" to "--with python2".
  - removed "include /usr/share/python/python.mk", no longer needed.
* debian/control
  - changed python-all to (>= 2.6.6-3~).
  - removed B-D on python-central.
  - increased Standards Version to 3.9.2.
  - changed XS-P-V: all to X-P-V: >= 2.5.
  - removed XB-P-V, no longer needed.

3. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream release.
  - Security issue, removed IBrowserRequest from IFormLayer. This prevents
    to mixin IBrowserRequest into non IBrowserRequest e.g. IJSONRPCRequest.
* Compile and install translations.

2. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* Add python-z3c binary package that only installs the __init__.py file.
* Upload to Ubuntu.

Branch metadata

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