
Created by Dustin Kirkland  and last modified
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Recent revisions

360. By Dustin Kirkland 

* gch:
  - added a git version of bch

359. By Dustin Kirkland 

* bch:
  - drop cdiff, as this doesn't seem to work anymore

358. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.80

357. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.79

356. By Dustin Kirkland 

* release-build:
  - drop disco, add focal

355. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.79

354. By Dustin Kirkland 

releasing 1.78

353. By Dustin Kirkland 

* debian/control:
  - depend on pinentry-curses, so that we can build and sign packages
    from the command line

352. By Dustin Kirkland 

* bch, release-build:
  - use dch -r in bch to update timestamp
  - build for debian/unstable, rather than experimental

351. By Dustin Kirkland 

opening 1.78

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.