
Created by Étienne Beaulé and last modified
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Étienne Beaulé

Recent revisions

13. By Étienne Beaulé

Fix bug and update 2 elements

12. By Angel Abad

* Merge from Debian testing. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Require libgtkmm >= 2.18.0 for fix_gtkmm_2.18.dpatch
  - Add binary -dbg packages with debugging symbols:
    - debian/control:
      + add gelemental-dbg stanza
      + add libelemental0-dbg stanza
    - debian/rules:
      + split dh_strip calls in binary-arch target
      + add appropriate --dbg-package flags to dh_strip calls

11. By Angel Abad

* Merge from Debian testing. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Require libgtkmm >= 2.18.0 for fix_gtkmm_2.18.dpatch
  - Add binary -dbg packages with debugging symbols:
    - debian/control:
      + add gelemental-dbg stanza
      + add libelemental0-dbg stanza
    - debian/rules:
      + split dh_strip calls in binary-arch target
      + add appropriate --dbg-package flags to dh_strip calls

10. By Angel Abad

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Require libgtkmm >= 2.18.0 for fix_gtkmm_2.18.dpatch
  - Add binary -dbg packages with debugging symbols:
    - debian/control:
      + add gelemental-dbg stanza
      + add libelemental0-dbg stanza
    - debian/rules:
      + split dh_strip calls in binary-arch target
      + add appropriate --dbg-package flags to dh_strip calls

9. By Angel Abad

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #662355). Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Require libgtkmm >= 2.18.0 for fix_gtkmm_2.18.dpatch
  - Add binary -dbg packages with debugging symbols:
      - debian/control:
        + add gelemental-dbg stanza
        + add libelemental0-dbg stanza
      - debian/rules:
        + split dh_strip calls in binary-arch target
        + add appropriate --dbg-package flags to dh_strip calls

8. By David Futcher

* Merge from debian testing (LP: #585487). Remaining changes:
  - debian/control: Require libgtkmm >= 2.18.0 for fix_gtkmm_2.18.dpatch
  - Add binary -dbg packages with debugging symbols:
      - debian/control:
        + add gelemental-dbg stanza
        + add libelemental0-dbg stanza
      - debian/rules:
        + split dh_strip calls in binary-arch target
        + add appropriate --dbg-package flags to dh_strip calls
* debian/control: Add ${misc:Depends} to all binary stanza Depends fields
  to placate Lintian 'debhelper-but-no-misc-depends'

7. By Cesare Tirabassi

* debian/patches/add_new_wave_theme.dpatch: Added (LP: #486798).
  - add the New Wave theme to the list of themes that have issues
    with button colours.
* debian/patches/00list: updated IAW the patch.

6. By Cesare Tirabassi

* debian/patches/fix_gtkmm_2.18.dpatch: Added (LP: #441453).
  - can_focus() has been deprecated for gtkmm >= 2.18 in favour of a
    new get_can_focus() method.
* debian/patches/00list, debian/control: updated IAW the patch.

5. By Cesare Tirabassi

* Add binary packages with debugging symbols:
  - debian/control:
    + add gelemental-dbg stanza
    + add libelemental0-dbg stanza
  - debian/rules:
    + split dh_strip calls in binary-arch target
    + add appropriate --dbg-package flags to dh_strip calls
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField

4. By Cesare Tirabassi

* fakesync to synchronize with Debian unstable (LP: #235031)
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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