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Branch merges
Propose for merging
- Tom Haddon (community): Approve
- 🤖 prod-jenkaas-is (community): Approve (continuous-integration)
- Canonical IS Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 49 lines (+2/-7)3 files modifiedconfig.yaml (+1/-1)
src/charm.py (+0/-4)
tests/unit/test_charm.py (+1/-2)
- Benjamin Allot: Approve
- 🤖 prod-jenkaas-is (community): Approve (continuous-integration)
- Canonical IS Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 26 lines (+2/-2)2 files modifiedDockerfile (+1/-1)
config.yaml (+1/-1)
- Thomas Cuthbert (community): Approve
- Canonical IS Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 13 lines (+1/-1)1 file modifiedDockerfile (+1/-1)
- Tom Haddon (community): Approve
- Canonical IS Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 13 lines (+5/-0)1 file modified.jujuignore (+5/-0)
- Stuart Bishop (community): Approve
- Mattermost Charmers: Pending requested
Diff: 21 lines (+2/-2)1 file modifiedDockerfile (+2/-2)
- Haw Loeung: Approve (+1)
- Canonical IS Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 10 lines (+1/-1)1 file modifiedconfig.yaml (+1/-1)
Branch information
- Name:
- master
Recent commits
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