
Created by Andrew Wilkins on 2014-07-23 and last modified on 2016-02-02


Recipe information

Build schedule: (?)
Built daily
Andrew Wilkins
Base source:
Debian version:
Daily build archive:
llgo compiler
Distribution series:

Latest builds

Status When complete Distribution series Archive
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (7.7 KiB) Wily llgo compiler
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (7.7 KiB) Wily llgo compiler
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (7.7 KiB) Wily llgo compiler
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (7.7 KiB) Wily llgo compiler
[FAILEDTOBUILD] Failed to build buildlog (7.7 KiB) Wily llgo compiler

Recipe contents

# bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream}-0~{revno}
nest clang lp://staging/~vcs-imports/llvm/clang-trunk tools/clang
nest llgo lp://staging/llgo tools/llgo
merge packaging lp://staging/~axwalk/llgo/llvm-3.8-packaging