branches with status:
Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/arsenal 1 Development 2023-09-05 23:14:38 UTC
1164. redesign run-* scripts are ran thereb...

Author: Brian Murray
Revision Date: 2023-09-05 23:14:38 UTC

redesign run-* scripts are ran thereby making them more portable

lp://staging/lpltk 1 Development 2023-08-21 23:12:41 UTC
202. merge vorlon's branch converting this...

Author: Brian Murray
Revision Date: 2023-08-21 23:12:41 UTC

merge vorlon's branch converting this to python3 and my additional changes to 'carry this over the finish line'

lp://staging/ppa-dev-tools 1 Development 2019-05-13 21:09:15 UTC
21. ppa-install: Cleanup whitespace

Author: Bryce Harrington
Revision Date: 2019-05-13 21:09:15 UTC

ppa-install: Cleanup whitespace

lp://staging/arsenal/trunk bug 2 Mature 2012-09-13 21:21:17 UTC
1104. update spreadsheet to include lubuntu...

Author: Kate Stewart
Revision Date: 2012-09-13 21:21:17 UTC

update spreadsheet to include lubuntu packages and make initial assignments for unknown ones.

lp://staging/lpltk/1.x bug 2 Mature 2012-05-23 07:13:58 UTC
151. Increase changelog verbosity for the ...

Author: Bryce Harrington
Revision Date: 2012-05-23 07:13:58 UTC

Increase changelog verbosity for the 1.0 release.

* Fix breakage caused by change in wadllib's date handling. In the past
  launchpadlib would return actual date objects but now it returns unicode
  timestamps. Add fix_time() routine to work around this problem.
  Otherwise all lpltk-using scripts will fail to run. Idemptontly, provide
  functionality in o2str to convert real datetimes into timestamps.
* Fix breakage caused by Launchpad not providing __len__ any more. This
  was dropped by Launchpad to resolve some timeout issues they were
  having. Length counts are now provided by dedicated properties.
  Switch to using them.
* Fix inclusion of missing 'iso-tracker' tag in gravity calculation.
* Add to_dict() routines to bug and bug_task to help for generating JSON.
* Add team functionality for determining subbed packages and parent team.
* New script for searching inside attachments of a package's bugs.
* Cleanup a stray build/ directory.
* Add some tests.
*, debian/control: Define package pre-requisites.

lp://staging/arsenal/1.x 2 Mature 2012-05-21 21:28:25 UTC
984. Switch packaging to dh_python2

Author: Bryce Harrington
Revision Date: 2012-05-21 21:28:25 UTC

Switch packaging to dh_python2

lp://staging/upstreamer 1 Development 2012-03-07 02:58:56 UTC
2. Move bug upstreaming prototype code f...

Author: Bryce Harrington
Revision Date: 2011-11-30 23:17:45 UTC

Move bug upstreaming prototype code from arsenal here.

Change namespace of python code from arsenal to Upstreamer.

lp://staging/bugbot 1 Development 2011-11-30 21:41:06 UTC
5. Additional random prompter scripts I'...

Author: Bryce Harrington
Revision Date: 2011-11-30 21:41:06 UTC

Additional random prompter scripts I've used in the past.

(Some of these are pretty crufty and can be dropped.)

lp://staging/~arsenal-devel/arsenal/apidoc 1 Development 2010-07-15 09:19:36 UTC
56. Provide examples for name and display...

Author: Bryce Harrington
Revision Date: 2010-07-15 09:19:36 UTC

Provide examples for name and display_name for source packages.

19 of 9 results