
Created by Andy Whitcroft and last modified
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Andy Whitcroft

Recent revisions

2729. By Andy Whitcroft

debian/udev.initramfs-bottom: increase the client side timeout to
better cope with potential timeout extension issues in udev. We very
much would prefer udev to time itself out and guarentee to have
completed than take action ourselves. Very worst case the timeout
may be doubled from the default of 60s so increase ours accordingly.
Note, we should only ever trip this timeout when we are already in
severe trouble. (LP: #818177)

2728. By Andy Whitcroft

avoid-exit-deadlock-for-timely-events: avoid deadlock when exiting
by continuing to handle events with timeliness requirements.
The timeliness requirement will be violated if we ignore them which
is highly undesirable. Also these events are typically dependant
events and may well block the events we are waiting on leading to
boot delays and uninitialised devices. (LP: #842560)

2727. By Andy Whitcroft

debian/udev.initramfs-bottom: ignore timeout errors from udevadm we
expect (and indeed requested) them in cirtain failure modes. If we
do not we will bail out early and not transfer /dev into /root which
is always fatal leading to unbootable machines. (LP: #818177)

2726. By Steve Langasek

releasing version 173-0ubuntu4

2725. By Steve Langasek

debian/patches/race-condition-on-exit: Process events before signals
in the worker thread, so we don't sit around waiting 60 seconds for an
already-dead process.

2724. By Steve Langasek

Set a timeout of 61 seconds when calling udevadm control --exit, to
ensure that udevd always reaches its *own* timeout first. If udevadm
times out before udevd, it exits non-zero, breaking the move of the /dev
mount; and if we ignore the udevadm failure then udevd might still be
running, which is the original issue that the patch for bug #624469
was trying to address. Raising the timeout doesn't make the boot any
slower, it just makes sure we let udevd count the 60 seconds instead of
udevadm. LP: #818177.

2723. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 173-0ubuntu3

2722. By Martin Pitt

Include input_id in the initramfs to prevent errors when enumerating
devices in early init (LP: #831516).

2721. By Daniel Holbach

Add debian/patches/move-input_id-to-default-rules.patch: Fix bluetooth
mice and keyboards in the X server. Patch cherry-picked from upstream.
(LP: #827489)

2720. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 173-0ubuntu1

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