
Created by Thomas Krause and last modified
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Recent revisions

950. By Benjamin Weißenfels

Allow vaadin components as visualizer plugins and transform
KWICPanel to a visualizer plugin.

949. By Thomas Krause

- using logback logger implementation everywhere

948. By Thomas Krause

- cleaning up logging:
 * all projects use slf4j as abstract layer
 * kickstarter and service-implementation use log4j (as before)
 * service-interface uses log4j internally but does not expose it
 * annis-gui uses logback (since it is know to work better with web containers)

947. By Benjamin Weißenfels

Add try catch block to initWindow(). Have to figure out, who is eating uncaught
exceptions in attach blocks or why vaadin do not printing anything. Maybe we will
have to configure the logger right.

946. By Thomas Krause

- updating to jersey 1.13
- kickstarter does not need security manager any longer
- adding provider as shown in the jersey documentation

945. By Thomas Krause

merged speed improvements for annotate query

944. By Thomas Krause

merged improvements for the annotate query when using a segmentation layer as context

943. By Thomas Krause

we don't need the security manager any longer

942. By Thomas Krause

- replaced all limited varchars with unlimited varchar definition
- updating jline to the new jline2 fork
- fixing missing graphsqlgenerator in fullfacts and splitfacts schema

941. By Thomas Krause

- try again if subgraph query was rejected by server (e.g. because the number of database connections was exceeded)

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Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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