
Created by Andy Caldwell and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~andy-m-caldwell/ubuntu/trusty/fuse-umfuse-ext2/fix-for-1674868
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Branch information

Andy Caldwell

Recent revisions

8. By Andy Caldwell

Correctly release locks in op_link (LP: #1674868)

7. By Ansgar Burchardt

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Depend on fuse instead of fuse-utils. (Closes: #698122)
* debian/control: Remove deprecated DM-Upload-Allowed field.

6. By Ludovico Gardenghi <email address hidden>

[ Filippo Giunchedi ]
* Add DM-Upload-Allowed field

[ Ludovico Gardenghi ]
* New upstream release
  + Source code completely changed, now it's a fork of fuse-ext2 by
    Alper Akcan
  + Update copyright file accordingly
  + Resolve old codebase issues (Closes: #562177, #670622)
* Update to S-V 3.9.3
* Switch to machine-readable copyright file
* Update mail address for Ludovico Gardenghi
* Add compatibility symlinks (old version used fuseext2, this one uses

5. By Filippo Giunchedi

[ Ludovico Gardenghi ]
* New upstream release
  + Added support for rename()
  + Added support for symlink()

[ Filippo Giunchedi ]
* Upgrade to S-V 3.8.0 (add Homepage)
* libumlib0-dev -> libumlib-dev transition
* Fix link to GPLv2 in copyright

4. By Filippo Giunchedi

switch to CDBS

3. By Filippo Giunchedi

new upstream release, manpage added

2. By Guido Trotter

[ Ludovico Gardenghi ]
* Initial release

[ Guido Trotter ]
* Fix build dependencies

1. By Guido Trotter

Import upstream version 0.1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
