- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~andreserl/maas/fix_packaging_1.10_rules
Branch merges
- Andres Rodriguez (community): Approve
Diff: 86 lines (+22/-27)3 files modifieddebian/changelog (+9/-2)
debian/maas-region-controller-min.maas-regiond-worker@.service (+0/-2)
debian/rules (+13/-23)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 440. By Andres Rodriguez
* debian/
maas-region- controller- min.maas- regiond- worker@ .service: Don't
depend on postgresql.service anymore, as it would prevent regiond
to run on machines with a remote PostgreSQL.
* debian/rules: Refactor installation of init scripts so that they are
correctly handled, and maas-regiond is not started on install. - 439. By Andres Rodriguez
[bug=][ author= andreserl] Remove unnecessary variable for dbconfig-pgsql - 438. By Andres Rodriguez
[bug=][ author= andreserl] * debian/control:
- Depends on dbconfig-pgsql instead of dbconfig-common.
* debian/maas-region- controller. config:
- Preseed dbconfig common to not ask for PG server to use. - 436. By Andres Rodriguez
[bug=][ author= andreserl] Install twisted plugins based on python3 version. - 435. By Andres Rodriguez
rouse][ bug=][author= andreserl] debian/control: Depend on python3-twisted instead python3- twisted- experimental - 433. By Blake Rouse
rbanffy] [bug=][ author= blake-rouse] Fix MAAS packaging to work with trunk and the new Django 1.8. Also removes all the old upstart stuff as that is not needed on Xenial and above.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/~maas-committers/maas/trunk