
Created by Andrea Grandi and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~andreagrandi/unity-2d/unity-2d-bug-688830
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Andrea Grandi

Recent revisions

700. By Andrea Grandi

Open quicklist menus keeping mouse pressed

699. By Florian Boucault

[panel] Show window control buttons whenever the application menu is shown and the window is maximised.

698. By Gerry Boland

[launcher] Qt4.7.4 fixes a bug we were using, where ListView was not explicitly attached to the root of the delegate. (See https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-19557).

This commit fixes the launcher to work correctly with this change.

697. By Alberto Mardegan

[places] Use shotwell as default photo viewer

Extend GioDefaultApplication with a defaultDesktopFile property which can be
used to override the default application registered for the content-type.

696. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

[launcher] Migrate favorites as in unity before building the launcher applications list
(LP: #819733)

695. By Florian Boucault

[dash] Fix encoding and decoding of strings coming from and passed to the backend so that searches containing non-ascii characters work.

Reverted revision 677. It was introducing QStringFromUtf8StdString that has
the same result as QString::fromStdString with the codec for C-strings set to UTF-8.

694. By Aurélien Gâteau

[Launcher] Use the same icon as Unity 3d for the BFB launcher item

693. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

releasing version 4.4.0-0ubuntu1

692. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

  - unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in QConfSchema::findKey()
    (LP: #834045)
  - unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in QConf::notify() (LP: #834001)
  - [panel] Implement whitelisting for legacy tray applet (LP: #707354)
  - [launcher] stops automatically hiding after some time using it
    (LP: #821180)
  - [panel] Empathy displays icon in deprecated systray (LP: #830017)
  - [dash] Invalid UTF-8 in the dash (LP: #836587)
  - [dash] Home buttons 'Media' and 'Internet' apps should not only take you
    to the apps lens but also activate the right filter (LP: #837360)
  - [dash] Drag&drop application from dash to launcher is broken
    (LP: #837361)
  - [launcher] contextual menu's corner has a blue line (LP: #828386)
  - [dash] Lens bar graphical layout glitches (LP: #833805)
  - [dash] Rating Filter: All button not clearing star highlighting
    (LP: #834640)
  - [dash] should be falling back to the default renderer if the renderer
    requested by the lens is not found (LP: #837356)
  - [dash] Gwibber lens icon doesn't show up in 2d unity (LP: #830728)
  - [dash] Lacks horizontal renderer used by lenses such as Gwibber
    (LP: #837712)
  - [dash] See %1 more result inconsistency (LP: #834226)
  - [launcher] When application has no icon, a question mark icon should be
    displayed (LP: #837351)
  - unity places should return a default icon when no matching icon is found
    (LP: #711200)
  - spacing between indicators should be 5 pixels (LP: #734010)

691. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release:
* debian/control:
  - require current nux and unity

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