Merge lp://staging/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/quantal/libdbg/typo-fix into lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/libdbg

Proposed by Andrea Grandi
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 4
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/quantal/libdbg/typo-fix
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/libdbg
Diff against target: 24 lines (+7/-1)
2 files modified
debian/changelog (+6/-0)
debian/control (+1/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/quantal/libdbg/typo-fix
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Martin Pitt Approve
Daniel Holbach Needs Fixing
Review via email:

Description of the change

Fixed a typo in debian/control in 'Description' field.

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Revision history for this message
Daniel Holbach (dholbach) wrote :

Thanks a lot for your work on this.

 This packages Contains the symlinks, headers, and object files needed to
 compile and link programs which use libdbg.

is probably not how I would fix it. Grammatically it's not right.

As it talks just about one package, I'd change it to

 This package contains the symlinks, headers, and object files needed to
 compile and link programs which use libdbg.

review: Needs Fixing
5. By Andrea Grandi

Fixed a typo in debian/control in 'Description'

Revision history for this message
Andrea Grandi (andreagrandi) wrote :

> Thanks a lot for your work on this.
> This packages Contains the symlinks, headers, and object files needed to
> compile and link programs which use libdbg.
> is probably not how I would fix it. Grammatically it's not right.
> As it talks just about one package, I'd change it to
> This package contains the symlinks, headers, and object files needed to
> compile and link programs which use libdbg.

I've fixed the description again as you suggested me. I hope it's ok.

6. By Andrea Grandi

Fix a typo in debian/control Description

Revision history for this message
Andrea Grandi (andreagrandi) wrote :

for Daniel: I've unified the rows in the changelog and I've substituted "precise" with "UNRELEASED" as someone suggested me on #ubuntu-devel

<mitya57> Andy80: the branch looks ok, but I think you should remove the duplicate changelog entry and set target to UNRELEASED instead of precise

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

Thanks! Looks fine to me now. The package is not in Debian, so fixing this on the Ubuntu side is appropriate.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Andrea Grandi (andreagrandi) wrote :

@Martin: I've also sent the patch to Debian with "submittodebian". So... they will probably refuse it as there is no package to patch there :\

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