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-b add-pytest
Alvaro Uria
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Branch merges
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for merging
- Joel Sing (community): Needs Fixing
- Canonical IS Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 1492 lines (+922/-72)16 files modified.gitignore (+19/-10)
Makefile (+39/-18)
dev/null (+0/-40)
interfaces/.empty (+1/-0)
layers/.empty (+1/-0)
src/Makefile (+32/-0)
src/lib/lib_openstack_service_checks.py (+248/-0)
src/metadata.yaml (+3/-4)
src/reactive/openstack_service_checks.py (+94/-0)
src/tests/functional/conftest.py (+170/-0)
src/tests/functional/requirements.txt (+6/-0)
src/tests/functional/test_deploy.py (+77/-0)
src/tests/unit/conftest.py (+104/-0)
src/tests/unit/requirements.txt (+10/-0)
src/tests/unit/test_lib.py (+82/-0)
src/tox.ini (+36/-0)
Branch information
- Name:
- add-pytest
Recent commits
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