
Owned by Alvaro Uria
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Name Last Modified Last Commit
lp1755883 2018-03-15 13:05:27 UTC
Changed error messages on automatic imports

Author: Alvaro Uria
Author Date: 2018-03-15 13:05:27 UTC

Changed error messages on automatic imports

snap-support 2018-02-08 22:25:04 UTC
Add install_method support [apt,snap]

Author: Alvaro Uria
Author Date: 2018-02-08 17:56:55 UTC

Add install_method support [apt,snap]

 * install_method and snap_channel support
 * Default is "apt", but "snap" can be used on Xenial and on
 * Automatic import_dashboard if datasource is prometheus and metrics
 are being collected for such dashboards to work
 * grafana.ini template can configure port and debug level
 * On trusty, upgrade-charm fails because layer:snap calls systemctl

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