- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~allenap/maas/mpontillo--allow-commissioning-non-lts
Branch merges
- MAAS Maintainers: Pending requested
Diff: 95 lines (+29/-12)4 files modifiedsrc/provisioningserver/config.py (+1/-1)
src/provisioningserver/drivers/osystem/tests/test_ubuntu.py (+0/-1)
src/provisioningserver/utils/config.py (+5/-4)
src/provisioningserver/utils/tests/test_config.py (+23/-6)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 5459. By Mike Pontillo
Add configuraiton option for commissioning on a non-LTS release. Drive-by fix for a problem that prevented correct usage of python conversions in rackd.conf.
- 5457. By Lee Trager
rouse][ bug=][author= ltrager] Add support for hwe-rolling kernels hwe-rolling kernels are metapackages which depend on the latest kernel available. Instead of duplicating the kernels in the stream lp:maas-images will determine if an already published kernel is a dependency of a rolling kernel and set the 'rolling' field to True. This MP stores that field in the BootResource table. When listing supported kernels the region appends the hwe-rolling kernels if one of the supported kernels has the rolling field set true. The rack now creates hard links for hwe-rolling kernels if the 'rolling' field is set true. This allows grub to show its booting a rolling kernel even though it didn't need to download a second set of files.
- 5456. By Blake Rouse
blake-rouse] Fix InterfaceLinkForm to handle interfaces that are disconnected. Previously it was not possible to have a disconnected interface. Now that an interface can be disconnected the form needs to handle the VLAN on the interface being None.
- 5455. By Andres Rodriguez
rouse][ bug=][author= andreserl] Fix missing conversation from 'Networks' to 'Subnets' for the page title. - 5454. By Andres Rodriguez
Partially revert rev5452: Changes to contrib/
preseeds_ v2/curtin_ userdata have been reverted as this causes the curtin preseed to fail to render - 5453. By Lee Trager
[r=blake-rouse][bug=1630394][author=ltrager] Always wait to cache_boot_sources before importing resources.
On first run MAAS sets the default boot source in the ImportResources
Service. This causes a signal which refreshes the boot source cache. To prevent the cache from being updated twice MAAS just let the signal handle updating the cache and wasn't waiting for it to complete. This worked as MAAS starts downloading the actual files later on in the process. The way bootloaders are picked are by looking at what bootloaders are available in BootSourceCache. As this happened earlier in the process they were missed. This modifies the ImportResources Service to always wait on refreshing the cache but modifying the signal to only refresh the cache if a boot source already exists.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/~maas-committers/maas/trunk