Apologies, I've not reviewed this in any depth, but one nit:
On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 12:56:17AM -0000, Alex Murray wrote: > + # Backtrace expected? glibc removed this functionality > + # (https://github.com/bminor/glibc/commit/a289ea09ea843ced6e5277c2f2e63c357bc7f9a3)
Not sure what that github repo is, but the official glibc git repo link for this commit would be:
> + # but even before this it was broken since 2017 due to a bug in > + # https://github.com/bminor/glibc/commit/ed421fca42fd9b4cab7c66e77894b8dd7ca57ed0
and similarly
-- Steve Beattie <email address hidden>
« Back to merge proposal
Apologies, I've not reviewed this in any depth, but one nit:
On Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 12:56:17AM -0000, Alex Murray wrote: /github. com/bminor/ glibc/commit/ a289ea09ea843ce d6e5277c2f2e63c 357bc7f9a3)
> + # Backtrace expected? glibc removed this functionality
> + # (https:/
Not sure what that github repo is, but the official glibc git repo link
for this commit would be:
https:/ /sourceware. org/git/ ?p=glibc. git;a=commitdif f;h=a289ea09ea8 43ced6e5277c2f2 e63c357bc7f9a3
> + # but even before this it was broken since 2017 due to a bug in /github. com/bminor/ glibc/commit/ ed421fca42fd9b4 cab7c66e77894b8 dd7ca57ed0
> + # https:/
and similarly
https:/ /sourceware. org/git/ ?p=glibc. git;a=commitdif f;h=ed421fca42f d9b4cab7c66e778 94b8dd7ca57ed0
Steve Beattie
<email address hidden>