- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~alecu/twisted/dont-open-console-window
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 16216. By exarkun
Merge python22-5385-4
Author: moijes12
Reviewer: exarkun
Fixes: #5385Remove some Python 2.2 support code which is obviously no longer
necessary. - 16215. By thijs
Merge web-error-5659: Remove the deprecated aliases for ErrorPage, NoResource and ForbiddenResource in twisted.web.error.
Author: thijs
Reviewer: therve
Fixes: #5659 - 16214. By thijs
Merge remove-
filetransfer- 5651: Remove twisted. web.static. FileTransfer, deprecated since 9.0. Use a subclass of StaticProducer instead. Author: thijs
Reviewer: therve
Fixes: #5651 - 16213. By thijs
Merge trial-extra-3374: Remove the deprecated --extra option for trial, use the --testmodule option instead.
Author: thijs
Reviewer: therve
Fixes: #3374 - 16212. By therve
Merge simpler-
short-version- 4532 Author: vperic
Reviewer: therve
Fixes: #4532Use sys.version_info to build twisted.
python. runtime. shortPythonVers ion instead
of sys.hexversion. - 16211. By z3p
Merge conch-session-
getPeer- 2997 Author: z3p
Reviewer: itamar, therve
Fixes: #2997Implements getPeer()/getHost() for the SSHTransport. This also creates a new
SSHTransportAddress which contains the data for those methods. - 16210. By z3p
Merge conch-test_
loadFromPath- 5617 Author: thijs
Reviewer: z3p
Fixes: #5617Refactors t.c.t.test_
knownhosts. KnownHostsDatab aseTests. test_loadFromPa th into
indivdual unit tests rather than one monolithic test case. - 16209. By itamarst
Apply 5686 patch: Use correct attribute in MXCalculator example.
Author: argonemyth
Review: itamar
Fixes: #5686 - 16208. By exarkun
Merge process-
test-fail- with-info- 5652 Author: exarkun
Reviewer: itamar
Fixes: #5652Add more information to the `testManyProcesses` failure, in hopes of
aiding future debugging.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/twisted