
Created by aj00200 and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~aj00200/pycryptist/master
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Recent revisions

8. By aj00200

Converted code to use the SortedDict instead of the normal dict becaue it is much more sutable for presenting data on the command line

7. By aj00200

Changed the number for calculating character frequency in the command line version to 1 so that 0 can be auto-solve. Also added the pyC.pyC_frequency_guess() class which allows for a guess on the number of times a plaintext character will appear based on the length of the ciphertext and the length off the message combined with average frequency for that language.

6. By aj00200

Added frequency_guess to pyC.py and created locale/en.us with the window category.

5. By aj00200

Updated both files to use python 3 so unicode strings can be used without any extra work that needs to be done by any other files

4. By aj00200

Created the pyC_count and the pyC_guess classclass in pyC.py as well as added the "--cli" switch to the program for running it in a terminal

3. By aj00200

Created pyC.py with the class pyC_guess

2. By aj00200

Created locale folder with en.us file

1. By aj00200

Created branch

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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